Thank you for being a part of the IYCN! Please take a few minutes to complete this survey designed to monitor membership engagement and encourage active participation within the IYCN. Completing this form is required to remain involved in future IUPAC-IYCN activities. Active Members will be announced at the IYCN General Assembly 2025, with E-Certificates issued to eligible members.
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First Name
Last Name
Birth Date
Which area of IYCN activity would you be more interested in supporting?

Please choose a minimum of one and maximum of three teams you would like to join within the IYCN
Note: The role description of each team is on the IYCN  Website: IYCN
Please provide your whatsapp contact or mobile number

( Your contact information will only be used for official IYCN communication and will not be available to third parties.)
This info will be used solely for statistical purposes. The IYCN is a diverse, inclusive, and supportive community, so answering this question will not impact your membership application.
Country of origin *
Country of current residence *
Which country are you most interested in representing? *
Current organization *
Current position *
Field of current position *
What year did you join the IYCN?
In order to be a member of the IYCN, you need to fulfill at least one of the following membership requirements. Please verify: *
If you do not fit this description but still want to be a member, please email your CV and an explanation of your request to IYCN@IUPAC.org. Exceptions are only possible in rare cases under special circumstances such as career breaks after studies/PhD/Postdoc. In all other cases, you can become a Senior Contributor to actively contribute to one of our Committees.
If you are an alumni please indicate
Do you belong to any chemical society(ies) in your country of residence or country of origin? (If you do, please list them below) *
Do you have any feedback, suggestions, or comments to help improve IYCN's growth and impact *
Which of the IYCN social media platforms  are you following? Please select all that apply 

Twitter: @IntlYoungerChem Facebook: @IYCN.global LinkedIn: company/iycn  Instagram: iycn.global

If you are nominated as a delegate or want to join a committee or board, we will ask for your CV to verify your membership eligibility.

By clicking “I agree” you give us permission to contact you regarding your request . This data will be only used internally for our membership management and to contact you regarding IYCN projects and activities and the data will be not available to third parties.
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