HIAS PA Employer Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in partnering with HIAS PA to provide job opportunities to refugees and immigrants. We are always seeking to connect our qualified applicants with strong employment partners. Employers that work with HIAS PA:

  • Receive applicant referrals at no cost
  • Are matched with a diverse pool of job seekers with various professional backgrounds
  • Receive support from HIAS PA, including interpretation and administrative support with the hiring and onboarding process

All job seekers working with HIAS PA's Employment team are legally authorized to work and have proper documentation. Our job seekers also receive job readiness trainings and ongoing English classes.

Please fill out the form and you will be contacted by someone on the Employment team to discuss next steps.

Contact Andrew Nguyen, Employment Program Manager, at anguyen@hiaspa.org or 215-258-4258 if you have any questions. 

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Company Name *
Address of Working Location (if multiple, please list all in the Greater Philadelphia region) *
Types of Available Positions (Please provide a link to job postings if available) *
Starting Pay *
What level English is required? (select all that apply depending on position) *
Available Shifts (select all) *
Type of Employment (select all that apply) *
Does your company offer any type of transportation assistance, such as subsidized travel or carpool? *
What other benefits are offered to employees?
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Who should we contact to schedule a meeting? Please include name, email, and phone number.
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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