With the goal of generating a culture of rigorous, scientific research around health equity and health
disparities at CSUN, every semester BUILD PODER invites distinguished speakers representing fields
relevant to these topics to talk about their research. BUILD PODER faculty,
students, and the larger campus community are invited to attend these special presentations and learn
about innovative frameworks and cutting edge methods.
Fall 2020 Theme: Environmental/Sociocultural Influences on Health Disparities
Speaker: Dr. Tabia Henry Akintobi (Morehouse School of Medicine)
Tentative Title: Community Engagement of African Americans in Era of COVID-19 - Considerations, Challenges, Implications, and Recommendations
Date: Wednesday, November 4th
Time: 9:30 AM - 11 AM
Zoom Link:
https://csun.zoom.us/j/84854385895?pwd=TUNxTmMycVdJcXBwcERSeUY2NVFFQT09Meeting ID: 848 5438 5895
Zoom Passcode: 119658