Parsons Community Survey
Thank you so much for helping us get a better picture of the Parsons community!
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About You
Help us get to know you and your needs better.
What's your name? *
What organization(s) are you affiliated with? What role(s) do you have?

How would you describe your relationship to Parsons? Please select all that apply:

What needs do you have, as a member of the progressive tech/data space, that Parsons might be able to help with?
What do you see as the biggest challenges for you, your organization, and/or progressive tech as a whole? 
For example, you might struggle to get organizational buy-in, or feel that people in the movement tend to be underpaid or lack certain kinds of support.
What Parsons Should Focus On
Parsons will be making its Roadmap soon! Interested in joining us? Sign up here.
As a user or potential user of Parsons, what improvements would you like to see to the library in the coming year?
Parsons is currently a single Python package, focused on pushing data in and out of commonly used progressive tools. There are other commonly used code in the progressive ecosystem that Parsons as an umbrella community could host. What would you like to see the Parsons community host?
As a Parsons community member, or potential member, what would you like to see the community do more of in the coming year?

As a Parsons contributor or potential contributor, what improvements would you like to see in the coming year?

If you have any thoughts that didn't fit into the above questions, please feel free to share them here.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey!
We really appreciate it. :) 

If you're interested, we're running community-driven roadmap sessions on Thursday Feb 16th 2-3pm ET (Community-Focused) and Friday, February 24⋅3:30–4:30pm ET (Technical-Focused). Everyone is welcome! You can sign up here.

If you're not in the Parsons Slack already and would like to join, please email for an invite.
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