Oldtimers New Member Nomination
The Internet Oldtimers (The OT) is a private members only industry network. New membership in the Internet Oldtimers can only be achieved through a sponsorship by an existing OT Member, and this form must be filled out by that sponsoring OT Member. How do you know if you know an existing OT Member? While most OT Members do not elect to have their membership published, a partial list of current members that have consented to that can be found through the "Member List" link above.
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Nominee's full name?
Nominee's email address?
Name of OT Member sponsoring this new nomination?
Email address of sponsoring OT Member
Nominee's current primary company?
Nominee's current primary title?
Nominee's LinkedIn profile URL?
Nominee's tenure in the industry?
Nominee's phone number?
Nominee's city and state?
How will the Nominee be an asset to the OT Membership?
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