1:1 Health & Wellness Coaching with Sarah  
NOTE: This is not an application for Personal Training with me. This is an application for 1:1 Wellness Coaching Online. 

Congratulations for taking the first & most powerful step to shift your mindset and create optimal mind, body & soul transformation. 
This system is a 3 month process Helping you break the cycle of binge eating & yo-yo dieting so you can feel GOOD about your body, wear a bikini with confidence and have more energy without hours of cardio or eliminating the food you love. Eat better, feel better, perform better. 
With a unique & powerful blend of customised fitness programming, nutrition coaching & mindset training, together we come up with a long term plan so that you can reach your goals with ease & enjoyment in a way that feels good for you. 

This is for you if have tried every diet, often self sabotage your results, overeat, binge eat, use food for comfort, food anxiety & overwhelmed, you have tried everything and struggle to change your habits. You know what you should be doing but some reason you are unable to make progress. You are ready to re-wire your brain so you can finally enjoy the process and make changes that will last. 

Please complete the form & be as descriptive and honest as possible. This form will enable Sarah to determine what program will best suit you, your lifestyle and your goals. 
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Email *
Full Name: *
Your age:

Today's Date: *
Phone Number *
How did you hear about this Sarah &/or this program?  *
Would you be interested in a 3, 6 or 12 month program? 
What has made you apply for coaching with Sarah?   *
How do you currently feel about yourself and your body?  *
What are your current Health & Fitness Goals?  *
What do you think about your ability to achieve these goals?  *
What have been the biggest challenges you have faced, working towards these goals?  *
What have you tried so far to overcome these challenges?  *
Why is now a good time to make changes to your habits/lifestyle/health &/or Fitness? *
Are you willing to have deep conversations, dive into some powerful mindset work to confront beliefs and behaviours that may be holding you back? Are you willing to be vulnerable and uncomfortable during the course of the program?  *
In order to get the most out of this program, do you understand there is a level of commitment and work from yourself on a regular basis?  *
Do you understand that you may feel resistance to some of the habit changes we may encounter and while we retrain your behaviour and thought patterns so you can achieve your goals with ease?  *
Are you ready to feel confident in a bikini, to feel amazing in your clothes, to have more energy and to finally break free from over eating, yo yo diets and binge eating for good, without giving up the foods you love? Are you ready to create lifestyle changes that are sustainable and maintainable long term so you can be healthy, love your body & live your life to the max?  *
Coaching with Sarah ranges from $800 to $1000 per month. Are you ready & able to invest in support right now?  *
Sarah will be in touch to organise an initial consult. Please leave any other comments below.  *
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