Atelier Workshop - Event Submission Form
Our Guild has had a history of members creating events and experiences as a product of their depth of expertise and knowledge. We love when this organic effort happens and reinforces the notion that we are a Guild by members and for members. In order to maximize the success of these events, let's understand some key questions first and ensure your event can be integrated into our Guild calendar and operations..

In our world, Ateliers are merely professional workshops where things get created, ventures get perfected, and craft gets acquired.

Submit your own Atelier workshop idea in the form below and a Guild leader will get back to you promptly.

The Grey Swan Guild.

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A. Your Name:
B. Name/Theme/Tagline of of Proposed Atelier Event:
C. Seed Idea - Description of General Atelier Idea and Special Insights:
D. Guild Alignment - How does this deliver on Guild values (aspiration, collaboration, curiosity, purpose) and Guild goals (core membership, caliber, community, culture and commercialization): 
E. Format of the Event: 
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F. Timing: Proposed Date(s), Time(s) and Durations of the Event(s) (note* - a Guild mandate is to extend out lead planning times to a minimum of 6 weeks for small events, 12 weeks for mid-size events and 30 weeks for large events for optimal success)
G. Greatness:  How can we do this event/experience better than anybody else?
H. Desired Experience:  How does this event gets delivered and show up as an important and valuable experience for attendees?
I. Expected Attendance: The anticipated number and caliber of attendees and how to canvas and recruit them?
J. Partners/Sponsors :  A list of potentially interested set of 5-10 partners/sponsors and expected nature of their support?
J. Technology/Platform Support:  what technologies or platforms are essential to creating this experience?
K. Financials:  what revenues, costs and monetary risks are anticipated with hosting this event? 
L. Legals:  what legal, regulatory, copyright, ethical or other risks (if any) are associated with hosting this event?
M. Synergies :  Any connection, help or symbiosis with other Guild activities, community or content efforts, intelligence, other events, or ventures,  with this proposed event?
N. Pre-and Post-Production :  What value, artifact or content gets produced before and after this event to support the overall experience?
O. Leader:  What ONE leader will be responsible and accountable for this event's development?
P. Captains:  What two-three key support people will be involved in planning, fielding, implementing, hosting and wrapping up this event?
Q. Wedge/team:  Who else is involved and what roles will they have?
R. Special Guests:  What other people may be involved in the event to support its caliber, credibility, popularity or positivity of experience?
S. Planning Meetings:  when and for what purpose are you proposing major planning meetings with your team?
T. Guild Check-Ins:  when are you requesting formal Guild leadership buy off at two stages - a) the event proposal and b) event plan finalized stage?
U. Key Requirements:  What are the key things required from the Grey Swan Guild to pull this event(s) off with success?
V. Sequelization:  what is the potential for future expansion or evolution of this event?
W. Summation:  taken all things together, this event should be considered a success if we.... 
X. All Other Considerations:  Is there anything else we should know?
Y. Guild Events & Experiences Best Practices:  Please confirm that you have read, understood and will try to adhere to the Guild's best event and experience practices, roadmaps and lead times in the following document.
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Atelier Workshops: Member-Driven Events & Experiences
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