Input form: Gathering recommendations from civil society partners
Please join us in sharing your ideas and recommendations about how to best engage youth in decision-making processes and continue the conversation on inclusion, power shifting and localization, and provide feedback below on these questions posed by Bama Athreya, the Deputy Assistant Administrator (DAA) for the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Hub and the Inclusive Development Hub in USAID’s Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation.

Background: Link to the recording from this Spotlight Session with USAID DAA Athreya:
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1. What suggestions do you have for USAID and the U.S. State Department to improve youth engagement policies and practices?
2. What needs to be strengthened to better engage children and youth in decision-making?
3. What can we all do to advocate more for the rights of historically marginalized communities (for example, including LGBTQIA+ communitiesgirls and women, people with disabilities, all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, castes, etc.)?
4. What would the advocacy community recommend as better mechanisms or ways to track USAID funding against indicators?
5. What can be done to ensure stronger disability inclusion in USAID programs?
6. What recommendations do you have for bringing together foreign policy and development agencies to strengthen inter-agency coordination?
Additional comments?
You're welcome to submit anonymously, however if you would like to be involved in follow up, please provide your contact information here. Email address:
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Please reach out to the Global Campaign for Education-US (GCE-US) at if you have additional questions or ideas. Thank you!
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