Application form for the 9th Conference of the Young Chemists of Serbia - Closed
After submitting your application for the 9th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, you will have 24 hours to send your abstract to, otherwise your application will be invalid and you will have to fill the application form again.
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Name and surname *
E-mail address *
Are you a member of the Serbian Young Chemists' Club in 2023?
If you are not a member of the SYCC, you can join by filling the online form at this link (membership for 2023 is free of charge):
Scientific institution  (Faculty or Institute/City/Country)
Example for faculties: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia
Example for institutes: Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Do you wish to apply with a scientific communication?
Which type of a scientific communication do you wish to apply with?
Write the full title of your abstract (in English) in the field below. Please save the abstract template, fill it according to the instructions and send it to as a DOC(X) file within the next 24 hours after filling the application form. The e-mail subject should be "APPLICATION FOR THE 9TH CONFERENCE".
Abstract must be written in ENGLISH language. Total length of the abstract (including the title, authors' names and affiliations, references and acknowledgements), mustn't exceed 1 page and has to fit into the specified margins. Download the abstract templateAbstract template
Choose a scientific field for the abstract of your scientific communication:
I give my consent to Serbian young chemist club for the use of my photographs from the Conference.
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