Impact Group Sign-Up!
CU Impact Groups are at the heart of CU life, helping and equipping students to live for Jesus whilst at university. Impact Groups are for everyone, in all academic years. They are all about being impacted by God’s word and seeking to impact the university for good. They’re a wonderful place to make friends, build community, and get connected in to CU life. Throughout the year there will be huge opportunities for personal and community growth especially through the planting of new Impact groups. 

Impact groups are also a space to bring your non-Christian friends who are seeking or those you've been praying for. We would love to see impact groups reaching more and more students this next academic year. 

Please fill out this form for interest in joining a group. If you have any queries or concerns, please speak to Isabelle Edwards (Small Group Coordinator, 2024/25 committee), or contact her on this email address: 

We will use and store your data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Student Groups’ Privacy Notice which you can find at You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing If you have any concerns about how your data is being held please raise these with the Guild of Students’ Data Protection Officer at
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Name *
Year of Study *
What is your accommodation? (e.g. Tennis Court, Pritchatts, Selly Oak, Harborne, etc.) *
Were you in an impact group last year? *
Would you like to be with the same leaders as last year? If so, who's group were you in? 
OR do you have any friends who you'd like to be with if possible? (give names)
What is your availability? (days and times) *
How can we contact you? *
Please give any relevant information to the contact method (e.g. phone number, email address, etc.) *
I consent to my information being stored for the purpose of being put in an impact group, and to it being shared with the leader of your group. *
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