Reducing the Risk 9th Grade Consent Form / Formulario de consentimiento para el curso Reducir el Riesgo 

Your teen will be involved in a program called Reducing the Risk: Building Skills to Prevent Pregnancy, STD, and HIV. The lessons teach ways to prevent HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and pregnancy. Students will learn how HIV and other STDs are transmitted and how teens can best protect themselves. Abstinence–choosing not to have sex– will be given as the best choice for students. But accurate information about other protection methods will also be provided. Reducing the Risk is an evidence-based program. 

Students will learn and practice ways to resist pressure to have sex. Communication and decision-making skills will be taught throughout the lessons. 

The Reducing the Risk program includes a homework activity for parents and teens to help them talk about preventing HIV, other STDs, and pregnancy. We hope you will do this assignment with your child, and share your knowledge and values. This homework is voluntary, and students will not share their parents’ responses in class. 

You are welcome to preview the Reducing the Risk program materials. Please contact Gisell Munoz at (336) 474-4610 or , and we will arrange a preview time and answer any questions you may have about the program. 

In order for your teen to participate in Reducing the Risk program, you must complete the permission slip at the end of this letter and return it to school by Friday, February 9th so that we can arrange a different learning activity. The program is set to begin Monday, February 12th. 


Gisell Munoz 

Parent/Guardian Name
Nombre de padre/guardian 
Student Name 
Nombre del estudiante
My student has permission to participate in the course. 
Mi hijo/hija tiene permiso para participar en el curso
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