Volunteer Application 1.1
Crestwood Animal Shelter Volunteer Application (rev 1.1)
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Thank you for considering volunteering at Crestwood Animal Shelter (CAS).  We welcome your interest in joining our team of volunteers. The purpose of this form is to help us get to know you and learn about your interests. At the same time, we hope to share a little about the wide range of volunteer opportunities at CAS.  With completion of this form you are not committing to anything nor is CAS. We look forward to finding the best ways in which you can contribute in helping our cats find their 'forever' homes.

Currently, we do not have dogs available for adoption due to limited resources to adequately house and train dogs in need. However, we do hope to provide information about dog services and make referrals to other shelters.  Consequently, we welcome and need the expertise of dog lovers to help us reach those goals.
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