The Mediterranean, home to some of the most popular destinations in the world for beach holidays and summer city breaks, thanks to its famous climate, food and turquoise sea. But there’s more to the Med than meets the eye, how many of these fun facts did you know?
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1. Which is the official name for Spain? *
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2. How many islands are there in Greece? *
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3. And how many of these are inhabitated? *
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4. Which is the capital of Turkey? *
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5. Which is the largest greek island? *
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6. The highest point in Spain is ... *
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7. Where is one of the wealthiest Regions in the Mediterranean? *
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8. How many Kilograms of pasta does the average Italian eat each year? *
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9. The films Gladiator, The Da Vinci Code and Troy had all scenes filmed in ................. despite not being set there. *
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10. Which Mediterranean country is the largest producer of sea sponges? *
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11. How many € are thrown in the Trevi Fountain every day? *
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12. More than .......... beaches in Cyprus have been awarded the EU Blue Flag for cleanliness and safety. *
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13. Which is the world’s largest nightclub and has a capacity of ten thousand people? It is located in Ibiza. *
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14. Which country introduced the coffee to Europe? *
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15. The Mediterranean coast runs past ...... countries. *
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16. Roland Garros was the first person *
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17. The Mediterranean Sea covers an area of *
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18. The Strait of Gibraltar—where the Mediterranean Sea joins with the Atlantic Ocean, is only ..... Km at its narrowest point. *
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19. Which is the largest Island in the Mediterranean? *
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20. How many different species of whales, dolphins and porpoises can be found in the Mediterranean? *
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