Bouman Fellowship 2024-2025
The Kinds of Kings Bouman Fellowship is an advocacy, access, and amplification program for composers with historically-marginalized identities in the early stages of their composing careers. Named after computer scientist Dr Katie Bouman, whose team gave the world the first image of a black hole, the Bouman Fellowship program's goals are:
  • ​to support and advocate for early-career composers
  • to create opportunities for composers from historically marginalized groups, and
  • to cultivate a sense of community and support.  
This year's fellowships are for people who live and are authorized to work in the United States. We are offering three fellowships.

Composer Fellows receive:
For more info, please visit

Please submit your application by 11:59pm ET on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024.
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Email *
Please confirm your eligibility for the Bouman Fellowship by checking the boxes below: *
Name *
Full Name
Links to audio (and scores if your music is notated) *
Please submit 2 audio recordings or MIDI renderings of your music, and PDFs of the scores if your music is notated. Upload your work to a file-sharing site such as YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Google Drive, or Dropbox, and share the link with us below. (Important: make sure your privacy settings are set so that we can access your file(s).)
Website and/or social media links *
Short biography *
(200-300 words)
Tell us briefly about your musical background and education *
(Up to 300 words)
Why are you interested in the Bouman Fellowship? What kind of piece would you like to make/write if awarded a Fellowship? *
(Up to 500 words)
Where do you live? *
(Town/city, state)
Phone number
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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