Umpire Interest Form
Please complete the interest form to express your desire to Umpire at one of the 2023-2024 3Step Sports field hockey events.

Once your form is submitted, you will receive further registration details.

Questions? Contact Pam Hixon at your earliest convenience.

Email:                     Cell: 413-256-4258
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Full Legal FIRST Name *
Full Legal LAST Name *
Address (Street, City, State, Zip): *
Cell Phone: *
Email Address: *
Gender *
Birthdate *
Preferred T-Shirt Size (Unisex Sizing) *
Umpire Member Group *
Current Rating/License Level: *
USAFH Membership # - Please put NA if you are not a member *
Highest level officiated last year *
Please express your availability and interest, one form per event: *
Age Group Request *
Are there any availability restrictions we need to be aware of BEFORE assigning you?
Housing *
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