Duke Campus Farm CSA - Summer 2017
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What is a CSA?
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a farming model that builds a mutually beneficial partnership between farmers and the people they feed.

As a Duke Campus Farm CSA member you become a stakeholder in the farm, committing to share in the harvest, both in its unpredictability and seasonality. In return, you receive a weekly share of high-quality, sustainably-grown produce that’s harvested hours, not weeks, before delivery. You can feel confident that your food dollars are supporting good land stewardship and hands-on education in sustainable agriculture.

As Duke Campus Farmers, we are committed to growing the best possible fresh produce and helping a new generation of young people to catalyze positive change in the food system. CSA membership provides us with a steady market independent of yearly seasonal fluctuations.

Farmers and members both have the opportunity to get to know, understand, and trust the person on the other end of the food chain. Our farm is right down the road (across the street from the Carolina Friends School), and you’re welcome to come visit us, work with us, or just watch your food grow during our community work days, Thursday and Sunday afternoons, all summer long.

Duke Campus Farm CSA, The Details
This season, we are offering a single CSA option that is 18 weeks long and runs from the first week in May through the last week in August. Our share size feeds 2-4 people. If you’re a solo-dweller, nervous about consuming a whole box of veggies each week, or interested but likely to be out of town often, consider buddying up with a neighbor or co-worker who might like to share the full summer’s harvest with you. There's no limit on the number of folks who share one CSA membership. Additionally, you may send anyone in your stead (spouse, child, friend, etc.) to pick up your box any given week.

One 18-week share costs $450. Pick-up is on Tuesdays from 4-6pm in the Sarah P. Duke Gardens Parking Lot or Fridays after 12pm at the Duke Campus Farm. You may indicate below which day you'd like to pick up. Each pick-up day is capped @35 members to ensure even harvest for optimal plant health and productivity.

We grow and harvest with our members in mind, week by week, so we’re not able to “make up” shares at a later date. If you cannot pick up your share any given week, please send someone in your stead who likes vegetables!

PAYMENT: After you hit 'submit' on Page 2 of this google form, you will be prompted with a message to submit online payment through our Duke Events Management portal. Email dukecampusfarm@gmail.com if you have any trouble processing payment. Thanks!

What can I expect?
We grow a mix of old favorites and harder-to-come by heirloom vegetables. Every week, you will receive a newsletter on Monday afternoon detailing the contents of your box and recipe ideas. Expect 5-8 crops per box over the course of the summer. You can expect some combination of:

May -  kale, chard, snap peas, carrots, salad mix, beets, radishes, salad turnips, broccoli, herbs
June - salad mix, squash, cucumbers, beets, carrots, potatoes, rainbow chard, kale, green beans, radishes, lettuce, potatoes, salad turnips, onions, garlic, herbs
July - cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, leeks, green beans, onions, garlic, basil, rainbow chard, squash
August - tomatoes, okra, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, garlic, green beans, squash and herbs

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