From TEX-MED ALLIANCES project we want to help overcome this COVID-19 crisis. Our purpose is to try to avoid the shortage of essential sanitary equipment by identifying the textile production capacity in the Mediterranean area to cover the manufacture of these products.

This survey aims to create a database where  offers and demands come together in one place.

If you are interested in offering your production capacity or you are looking for suppliers or services, complete this survey.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. Name of the company *
3. Country
4. Contact person *
5. E-mail *
6. Telephone number *
7. Adress *
8. Web
9. Business activity *
10. Do you import finished products? *
11. Choose one *
12.  FINISHED PRODUCT you produce/look for/import
Marque una o varias opciones
Masks (not certified)
Surgical Masks (certified)
Self-filtering masks (certified)
Self-filtering masks FFP2 FFP3 (certified)
Filters used in masks
Half masks (certified)
Half masks P3 (certified)
Protective gloves (certified)
Personal protective equipment (certified)
Aprons (certified)
Chemical protection aprons (certified)
Eye protectors (certified)
Clear selection
If you choose "Others" please, specify:
12.1. FINISHED PRODUCT: regulation fulfilled
Select one or more options
EN 14683:2019+AC:2019
EN 149:2001 +A1:2009
EN 143:2001
EN 140:1999
EN ISO 374.5:2016
EN 14126:2004
EN 14605 :2009
EN 166:2002
Other regulation fulfilled
Clear selection
13. MATERIALS - Type of material you produce/look for/ import
Select one or more options
Non woven fabrics for masks FFP2 (certified)
Non woven fabrics for masks FFP3 (certified)
Non woven fabrics for masks (certified)
Fabrics for masks FFP2 (certified)
Fabrics for masks FFP3 (certified)
Fabrics for masks (not certified)
Ribbons for masks
Rubber bands for masks
Non woven fabrics for personal protective equipment (certified)
Non woven fabrics for personal protective equipment (not certified)
Non woven fabrics for aprons (certified)
Non woven fabrics for aprons (not certified)
Fabrics for personal protective equipment (certified)
Fabrics for personal protective equipment (not certified)
Fabrics for aprons (certified)
Fila 16
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If you choose "Others" please specify:
13.1. MATERIALS - Regulation fulfilled
Select one or more options
EN 14683:2019+AC:2019
EN 149:2001 +A1:2009
EN 143:2001
EN 140:1999
EN ISO 374.5:2016
EN 14126:2004
EN 14605 :2009
EN 166:2002
EN 13795
Other regulation fulfilled
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14. SERVICES - Type of services you do/look for
Select one or more options
Traditional process wewing
Ultrasound process sewing
Thermofusion process sewing
Hydrophobe finishing
Antibacterial finishing
Antistatic finishing
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If you choose "Others" please specify:
15. Technical description of the product (We would appreciate the most detailed especification as possible including: weight, composition, certifications,...) *
16. Production capacity (annual tonnes/meters/units) *
17. Bottlenecks that could block the production (such as certifications, supply chain issues...) *
18. Stock you currently have *
If you want to provide more technical documents of the product please send an email to  indicating "Production capacity survey" in the Issue of the email and specifying the name of the company in the message body.
In compliance with the current data protection law, we inform you that by providing us with your data through this survey, you expressly consent their treatment and their incorporation into a file owned by Texfor, which may be transferred to third parties (public administration, competitiveness agencies, industrial companies, business organizations, national and international), in order to manage everything related to the health crisis of COVID-19, also you give your consent to include the data in the production capacity map of the TEX-MED ALLIANCES project financed by the ENI CBC Med program of the European Union and coordinated by Texfor. Your email address and the rest of the data will be used as a means of communication with you, expressly consenting to their treatment for the reported purpose. In case of providing data from third parties, you undertake to inform them of the aforementioned points. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition for free, by sending an email to, expressly indicating the right you wish to exercise.
Data protection *
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