CREATE Mentor Registration

Time Commitment:

Industry professionals from the design, engineering, construction, and trades will be invited by high school instructors during the fall semester to attend at least two 60-minute mentoring sessions. Some mentors choose a greater involvement by serving as the project manager which includes up ten 60-minute sessions. You may select which role is best for you. The program culminates with a competition and awards lunch in early December,

Your Role:

Mentoring will include a short career presentation including what you do and why you love it, as well as guidance for the student's project as it relates to your particular discipline. You can also invite students to a field trip (virtual or in person pending restrictions) at one of your job sites or offices.

Teams will need support as they plan, design, and develop their projects during the course of 10 sessions. Competition preparation help is a great way to support a school team.

A Lead Mentor/Coach role will include assisting the instructor with the field trip locations, inviting mentors to join sessions, and helping to empower students to complete deliverables on time.

Thank you for your service to the next generation of the industry!

For Questions contact Brittany Albaugh at

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First name  *
Last Name  *
Company  *
Discipline of Focus: *
Email *
Phone Number  *
Phone Number *
Work *
Address  *
City  *
State  *
Zip Code  *
Gender *
Have you been a student who was mentored in a program similar to CREATE before? *
Have you served as a mentor with CREATE before? *
How many years have you served as a CREATE Mentor? *
What level of mentorship would you like to contribute? Select all that apply  *
Please list any additional services you may offer student teams *
What region are you located (i.e. Chico, Fresno, Bay Area, Sacramento, or other area)?   *
2024 School Name/Meet Up Times 
Lincoln High School (Stockton)- During School
Del Campo- Tuesdays 7:15 am or Thursdays at 2:30 pm 
Rosemont High School- M-F 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Hiram Johnson High School- Thursdays at 2:30 pm
Buhach Colony- Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:15-5:00 pm
Burlingame High School
Rio Americano 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Mills High School 
Folsom High School Thursdays 8:30 am - 10:00 am
Sutter High School Wednesdays 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 
Livingston High School- After school 
Oakmont HS 
Please let us know what day/time works best (or does NOT work) for visiting the classroom as well as any special accommodations   *
If you have a preference for serving at a specific school please list which school(s) below.
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