eDiscovery Pricing Survey - Summer 2024
eDiscovery Pricing Survey Overview

ComplexDiscovery OÜ cordially invites you, as a cybersecurity, information governance, or legal discovery professional, to contribute your insights on eDiscovery pricing by participating in the Summer 2024 eDiscovery Pricing Survey.

The core survey includes 24 multiple-choice questions concentrated on pricing for collection, processing, and review, along with one optional question for respondents’ comments and considerations. The anonymized survey can be completed in under five minutes.

Thank you for your time and input.

Rob Robinson
ComplexDiscovery OÜ

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 eDiscovery Pricing Survey Questions (All Required)
Collection Pricing Questions
1a. What is the per hour cost for an onsite collection by a forensic examiner? *
Based on a general estimation of forensic examiner collection rates.
1b. What is the per hour cost for a remote collection by a forensic examiner? *
Based on a general estimation of forensic examiner collection rates.
2a. What is the per device cost for a desktop or laptop computer collection by a forensic examiner? *
Based on a general estimation of a rate for a desktop/laptop/mobile device collection.
2b. What is the per device cost for a mobile device collection by a forensic examiner? *
Based on a general estimation of a rate for a desktop/laptop/mobile device collection.
3a. What is the per hour cost for investigation, analysis and report generation by a forensic examiner? *
Based on a general estimation of forensic examiner analysis, affidavit support, and expert witness activity rates.
3b. What is the per hour cost for expert witness testimony (in-person and written) support by a forensic examiner? *
Based on a general estimation of forensic examiner analysis, affidavit support, and expert witness activity rates.
Processing Pricing Questions
4a. What is the per GB cost to process electronically stored information based on volume at ingestion for 250 GB or less? *
Based on ESI data volume at ingestion into processing system.
4b. What is the per GB cost to process electronically stored information based on volume at ingestion for 251GB or more? *
Based on ESI data volume at ingestion into processing system.
5a. What is the per GB cost to process electronically stored information based on volume at completion of processing for 250 GB or less? *
Based on ESI data volume at export from processing stage of eDiscovery.
5b. What is the per GB cost to process electronically stored information based on volume at completion of processing for 251GB or more? *
Based on ESI data volume at export from processing stage of eDiscovery.
6a. What is the per GB per month cost to host electronically stored information without analytics for 250 GB or less? *
Based on data hosting without analytics.
6b. What is the per GB per month cost to host electronically stored information without analytics for 251 GB or more? *
Based on data hosting without analytics.
7a. What is the per GB per month cost to host electronically stored information with analytics for 250 GB or less? *
Based on data hosting with analytics.
7b. What is the per GB per month cost to host electronically stored information with analytics for 251 GB or more? *
Based on data hosting with analytics.
8a. What is the user license fee per month for access to hosted data for 250 users or less? *
Based on individual user fee required for each month of data access.
8b. What is the user license fee per month for access to hosted data for 251 users or more? *
Based on individual user fee required for each month of data access.
9a. What is the per hour cost of basic project management support for eDiscovery? *
Based on general estimation of project manager per hour costs.
9b. What is the per hour cost of advanced project management support (senior management and/or technical specialty) for eDiscovery? *
Based on general estimation of project manager per hour costs.
Review Pricing Questions
10a. What is the per GB cost to conduct predictive coding as part of a technology-assisted review during the document review phase of eDiscovery for 250 GB or less? *
Based on ESI data volume at initiation of predictive coding process during document review.
10b. What is the per GB cost to conduct predictive coding as part of a technology-assisted review during the document review phase of eDiscovery for 251 GB or more? *
Based on ESI data volume at initiation of predictive coding process during document review.
11a. What is the cost per hour for document review attorneys to review documents during the review phase of eDiscovery for an onsite managed review? *
Based on a general estimation of document review attorney per hour rates.
11b. What is the cost per hour for document review attorneys to review documents during the review phase of eDiscovery for a remote managed review? *
Based on a general estimation of document review attorney per hour rates.
12a . What is the cost per document for document review attorneys to review documents during the review phase of eDiscovery for an onsite managed review? *
Based on a general estimation of document review attorney per document review rates.
12b . What is the cost per document for document review attorneys to review documents during the review phase of eDiscovery for a remote managed review? *
Based on a general estimation of document review attorney per document review rates.
Background Information
13. In which geographical region do you primarily conduct eDiscovery-related business? *
The location from which you are basing your survey answers.
14. Which of the following segments best describes your business in eDiscovery? *
Part of the eDiscovery ecosystem where your organization resides.
15. What area best describes your primary function in the conduct of your organization’s eDiscovery-related business? *
Part of the eDiscovery ecosystem where your eDiscovery role resides.
Beyond the Questions
Comments: Any comments that might be beneficial in the consideration of pricing of selected eDiscovery offerings in the summer of 2024?
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