Smoking/Vaping Complaint
The Utah Indoor Clean Air Act bans smoking and vaping in public indoor places and places of employment. UICAA includes smoking and vaping in all enclosed indoor places that allow public access and within 25 feet of any entrance, exit, open window, or air intake. If you see a possible violation, you can report it anonymously by filling out the form below. If you prefer to speak with someone, please call (435) 792-6500. We will address the issue within three business days of receiving your report. We make every effort to use education and signage to correct the problem(s).
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Date of alleged violation
Time of alleged violation
Name of establishment (business, apartment, etc.) where violation took place *
Address of establishment where violation took place (include street and city)
Please describe, in as much detail as possible, the smoking/vaping problem that you witnessed. *
Please provide your contact information if you would like someone from the Health Department to contact you, this is not required.
For form assistance, please contact us at 435-792-6500 or
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