15.367/HST.978 Healthcare Ventures Spring 2021 Pre-Class Survey
Welcome to Healthcare Ventures!

Please fill out the survey to complete your registration. Everyone must submit responses by 9 AM on Wednesday, February 16, 2021. Except where noted,  your responses will be collated and made accessible to others to help you get to know one another (in these virtual times) and to help with team forming.

Class Sessions: Thursdays, 4:00-6:00 PM,  Recitations Monday 1:00-200 PM.  Virtual on Zoom.

More information can be found at https://www.mitlinq.org/HealthcareVentures/

If you have any questions or are no longer planning on enrolling in the course please reach out to the course TAs Zahra Kanji at zahra@mit.edu and Chris Leiter at ckleiter@mit.edu

Link to the class syllabus: https://www.mitlinq.org/HealthcareVentures/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/HST.978-Syllabus-2021-v.2.pdf
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