Twinklebee : outstanding and fan-favorites features
Hello Twinklebee users :) As you may have seen already, Twinklebee was put offline a few weeks ago after several months without any updates. I have created this survey to gather some feedbacks on Twinklebee, and, maybe, help you shape the "definitive" version of Twinklebee...
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How much did you like the dress-up part of Twinklebee *
Not at all
A lot
What did you think of the dress-up part of Twinklebee ?
Which one of those features did you enjoy partaking in ? *
Which one of those features did you not really care about or haven't used much ? *
How much did you like the games on Twinklebee ? *
Not at all
A lot
What games did you play on Twinklebee ?
What games did you dislike ?
Is there any games you would like to see on a new version of Twinklebee ?
If Twinklebee got a new version, would you be interested to try it ? *
Is there anything else you want to add, to see on twinklebee... ?
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