Dance Unlimited Summer Camp
Join us for a fun-filled Summer at Dance Unlimited! Please fill out the below information and a team member will be in touch to finalize your registration. 

A non-refundable $100 deposit is required to register. Non DU Students are subject to a $25 registration fee. All camp payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable. DU reserves the right to cancel camp weeks due to limited enrollment.

*There will be no summer camp the week of July 1st - 5th 

Thank you!

Dance Unlimited 
11420 SW 109th Road Miami, FL 33176
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Email *
Dancer's Name *
Dancer's Age  *
Parent's Name *
Parent's Email  *
Parent's Phone Number  *
Emergency Contact Name & Number  *
Please list any allergies or medical conditions for your dancer:
Please select all that apply:
Half Day
Full Day
Week 1: June 10th - 14th
Week 2: June 17th - 21st
Week 3: June 24th - 28th
Week 5: July 8th - 12th
Week 6: July 15th - 19th
Week 7: July 22nd - 26th
Week 8: July 29th - August 2nd
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For a "drop in" option, please list the dates below. Please specify if you will need a half day or full day. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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