Call for Feedback Survey
Thank you for using the NJ Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL).  The purpose of this survey is for us to gather information about the overall effectiveness of the organization and presentation of content on our website.  We will likely share additional surveys in the future to help us continue to fine-tune our materials.

We do not collect personally-identifiable information (PII) from this survey.  The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete  Thank you again for taking the time to provide feedback--we greatly appreciate it!
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1A.  What grade level(s) do you teach?  Select all that apply. *
1B.  If you chose "Other" in the previous question, please indicate the level of your students.
1C.  Which course(s) do you use on our site?  Select all that apply. *
1D.  If you answered "Other" in the previous question, please provide the course name(s) here.
2A.  Answer the following questions about CTL's website by choosing the appropriate statement. *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
CTL's website is organized in a way that lets me find materials I need quickly and easily.
I know how to submit errors or requests for help about specific materials through CTL's website.
When I request help through CTL's website, a staff member contacts me and answers questions within a timely manner.
2B.  If you answered any of the statements above related to item 2A with Strongly disagree or Disagree, please explain why you made those selections in the space provided.
3A.  Do you use the subject content in the Course Materials section of our website? *
3B.  If you answered "Yes" to the 3A, how often do you use it?
Clear selection
3C.  If there are other (non-CTL) curricula that you rely on to support student learning, please indicate them here:
3D.   If you answered "Yes" to 3A, please select the phrase that best describes your experiences.  If a statement does not apply to your uses of this part of our website, please answer N/A.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The presentations for my content area are organized in a way that help me support student learning.
The formative assessment questions embedded within the presentations for my content area help me check for student learning as I teach.
The Teacher Resources that accompany content help me to support my students.
The classwork and homework that accompany content provide useful opportunities to reinforce learning for students.
The lab activities that accompany content provide useful opportunities for students to reinforce learning for students.
The assessments that accompany content help to provide me with actionable information about student proficiency.
Clear selection
3E.  If you answered any of the statements above related to item 3 with Strongly disagree or Disagree, please explain why you made those selections in the space provided.
4A. Do you use the Teacher Education section of our website? *
4B.  If you answered "Yes" to 4A, please select the phrase that best describes your experiences.  If a statement does not apply to your uses of this part of our website, please answer N/A.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The Teacher Education materials are organized in a way that lets me find answers to my questions.
The Teacher Education "Courses" section is presented in a way that provides clear information.
The Teacher Education "Schedule" section is presented in a way that provides clear information.
The Teacher Education "NJ Programs" section is presented in a way that provides clear information.
The Teacher Education "Grad Credits" section is presented in a way that provides clear information.
The Teacher Education "FAQ" section is presented in a way that provides clear information.
Clear selection
4C.  If you answered any of the statements above related to item 4 with Strongly disagree or Disagree, please explain why you made those selections in the space provided.
5A.  Do you use the Who We Are section of our website? *
5B.  If you answered "Yes" to 5A, please select the phrase that best describes your experiences.  If a statement does not apply to your uses of this part of our website, please answer N/A.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The Who We Are materials are organized in a way that lets me find answers to my questions.
Information provided in the PSI-PMI section helps me understand the structure of these course materials in a way that is clear and user-friendly.
Information provided in the News Feed helps me keep abreast of CTL in the news.
Information provided in the Media & Research section provides useful materials and research that validate the work I do with CTL's materials.
Information provided in the Testimonials section helps me understand how CTL's materials support other educators.
Information provided in Staff, Trustees & Partners section helps me learn about the people who work for and guide CTL.
Clear selection
5C.  If you answered any of the statements above related to item 5 with Strongly disagree or Disagree, please explain why you made those selections in the space provided.
6A.  Do you use the Classroom tool on our website? *
6B.  If you answered "Yes" to 6A, please select the phrase that best describes your experiences.  If a statement does not apply to your uses of this part of our website, please answer N/A.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The Classroom tool allows my students/parents to see the scope and sequence of the curriculum that we follow.
The Classroom tool allows me to add files that are unique to the courses that I teach.
The Classroom tool allows me to reorganize the curriculum.
The Classroom tool provides me with curriculum updates when they are available.
Clear selection
6C.  If you answered any of the statements above related to item 6 with Strongly disagree or Disagree, please explain why you made those selections in the space provided.
7.  What additional features would you like to see in our Classroom tool?  Please be as specific as possible.  We will do our best to put your ideas in place.  If you do not use this tool, or do not have any recommendations at this time, please write N/A in the space provided. *
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