OMOP CDM Survey 2024

Please fill in the responses below for each database at your institution that has been converted to the OMOP Common Data Model. This information will be used to build our list of databases currently using the OMOP CDM and Standard Vocabularies. Our most recent list can be found on pages 46-47 of the 2023 Our Journey publication. 

OHDSI will not use your contact information for any purpose other than to inquire about your responses or if you select “yes” as the answer to the final question about your interest in your database becoming a network study candidate.  To be compliant with GDPR, your name and email will not be shared. 

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Email *
Name of Organization
This should be the name of the organization or institution that owns the database. For example, Janssen Research & Development or Johns Hopkins University.
Name of Database *
For example, IBM Commercial Claims and Encounters or Johns Hopkins Hospital EHR.
Country *
Number of Unique Persons *
Type of Data *
Choose one or more options below which best describe the type of data in the database. 

Electronic Health Records refers to records of healthcare encounters for a patient over time, as documented by the provider. This includes bills that are initiated by the provider or records that are held in a clinical data warehouse.

Insurance Claims refers to claims that have been sent to the payer but have not yet been paid (open) and claims that have been adjudicated and paid by the payer (closed).

Registry refers to a repository that is housing data from multiple sites for a common purpose.
Would you be interested in your database becoming a member of the OHDSI Evidence Network? *
This would entail sharing a small set of aggregate information about your database with the OHDSI Coordinating Center. This information will be used to determine the studies, grants, registries, etc. for which your database would be a potential fit.  
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