The information will be kept confidential by the church. 所有資料教會將會保密。
Forename of child 學生名字
Age 年齡
Year group 年級 (2024-25)
Any specific concerns (e.g. allergies) 特別注意事項(例: 敏感)
Name of parent/guardian 家長/監護人姓名
Emergency contact number 緊急聯絡號碼
Parent/guardian’s email address 家長/監護人電郵地址
I give permission for my child to attend and take part in the Sunday School activities.
For communication, I agree to be included into the Sunday School parent/guardian WhatsApp group.
If ‘Agree’ 如果 ‘同意’, WhatsApp no. 號碼
If ‘Agree’ 如果 ‘同意’, Name 名字
I agree that my child will not be allowed to leave the church building before Sunday School finishes unless I have notified the teacher beforehand.
I agree that my child cannot leave the church building without an accompanying adult after Sunday School.
In the event of medical emergency, I consent to any necessary treatment being given to my child.
I give consent for my child to be included in any official photos or videos taken in church activities.
Signature of parent/guardian 家長/監護人簽署
Name of parent/guardian (in BLOCK letters) 家長/監護人姓名
Date 日期