Startup Intake Form
Please tell us about you and your company. And don't worry - we'll treat and keep your data confidential as if it's our own.
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What's the name of your company? *
Which country is your company incorporated in? *
Please type "N/A" if it's not yet incorporated.
Do you have a website? *
E.g., / type "No" if you currently don't have one.
What's your first name? *
And the last name? *
What's your work email? *
What's your title in your company? *
How did you find 541 Ventures? *
If you've met us or have a mutual friend, who was it again?
Which stage of financing are you currently raising? *
How much are you raising? *
In USD, please. E.g., $1,000,000
At what valuation are you raising the current round? *
In USD, please (e.g., $5,000,000). Please type "N/A" if you haven't determined the valuation yet.
What's the current valuation from the most recent round? *
In USD, please. Please type "N/A" if this is your first raise.
How much have you raised in the previous rounds? *
In USD, please. E.g., $1,000,000. Type "None" if this is your first raise.
Are you B2B or B2C? *
Which of the following verticals are you in? *
Your Pitch Deck URL *
PDF only, please, as we'll not view any other format. Please make sure it's downloadable. Collecting email is fine.
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