Assisting Brainspotting Phase 1 for The Jewish Therapist Collective 
1.Volunteers need to decide if they want to help facilitate vs participate as a member of the group.  
2.We are looking for people who are strongly proficient in Brainspotting Phase 1 and prefer individuals who are Certified in Brainspotting or are Brainspotting Consultants,  
3. In cultivating a Jewish experience for participants, all people wanting to assist should identify as Jewish and have an understanding of the range of Jewish experiences
4. Each assistant must come with an open mind, accepting and empathic frame, and be able to tolerate different experiences of the participants 
5.The Assistants will be participating in approximately two meetings prior to the training and will be asked to log on early each day for support discussion.  
6. Assistants should plan to be present for all days and hours of training.
7. It is also extremely helpful if Assistants are already engaged in their own Brainspotting therapy to ensure that any areas of limbic countertransference are minimized as assistants. 
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Email *
Your Name *
Your City, State, Province, and Country *
Your time zone *
Do you identify as Jewish? *
What month and year did you take Phase 1 Brainspotting? *
Who was your Brainspotting Trainer(s) *
Have you assisted at a Phase 1 Brainspotting Training before? If yes, who did you assist and what was your role or tasks in the training? *
What other things have you done to deepen your learning in Brainspotting? (peer consultation, group consultation, additional training, webinars, individual consultation, certification, etc) *
How confident are you with the uncertainty principle of Brainspotting of making no assumptions and that the individual in front of you is the expert on themselves *
Not confident
Completely confident
How comfortable do you feel experiencing uncertainty during this training in regards to the beliefs and views of the participants *
Not comfortable
Completely Comfortable
What do you do to manage overwhelm in your own life? *
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