Student Details Incorrect
If the student details on your Texas College Bridge Certificate(s) in your Greenlight Locker have incorrect information, please complete the form below.

Be sure to enter an Email address below where we can reach you: If you are a recent graduate, this SHOULD NOT be your school email.
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Email *
Texas College Bridge Email Address in EdReady *
Texas College Bridge Username *
When you login to EdReady, what is your username?
I have earned: *
Is your name on your certificate(s) correct? *
First Name in EdReady account *
Currently, what is your first name in your EdReady Texas College Bridge account?
Correct First Name
How should your first name appear on your certificate?  It should match your legal name as it appears in your school record.
Last Name in EdReady account *
Currently, what is your last name in your EdReady Texas College Bridge account?
Correct Last Name
How should your last name appear on your certificate?  It should match your legal name as it appears in your school record.
Is your birth date on your certificate(s) correct? *
Date of Birth (DOB) on Certificate
If your Date of Birth (DOB) is incorrect on your certificate(s), what date is currently displayed?
Correct Date of Birth (DOB)
Your DOB needs to match what's on your school record with the year you were born.
Additional Details
Please let us know if there is anything else that needs to be corrected on your Certificate(s)
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