The River Rock Club DJ Application

Please fill out this application and answer all of the questions honestly and completely.
* We do NOT hire DJs under 30 days old.
*ALL DJs are required to voice/mic.
*The River uses a house stream only.
* ALL sections of this application must be filled out please
* BEFORE applying, please take a look at our schedule.
* ALL applicants who pass initial screening are required to participate in an in-person interview. DJs will also be required to perform a sound check as part of the interview.
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Full SL Name (username) *
SL Birthdate *
Have you ever worked at The River? *
If so, when and why did you leave?
Why do you want to work at The River? *
What Time Zone are you in? (+ or - SLT) *
When are you available for an interview?
We can not guarantee that the time will work for a manager to perform the interview but we will accommodate as best we can. 
What is your preferred availability? (Please use SLT hours)
Check all that apply.
Do you currently manage or own an SL Club?  If so, what club? *
What clubs are you currently working at or have worked at?
Do you know how to send out group notices?
What broadcasting software do you use? *
How long have you been a DJ? *
Were you referred by someone, if yes who? *
Any additional comments or questions?
Thank you for taking the time to apply at The River Rock Club. Response times may vary and may take up to a few days. If you have any questions, concerns or changes to your DJ Application please feel free to contact a River Manager.
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