KIV Registration form for regular staff/Irregular supporter/One day volunteer/ MC(Paid volunteer)
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Email *
Confirm your E-Mail address メールアドレス(再度) *
Name お名前 *
Nationality(Where are you from?) 国籍 *
Which kind of member would you want to become? *
Please give us your Facebook or Instagram profile link. *
The reason why you would like to participate activity. *
i.e..I like international exchange,like kids, join for growing kids,for growing yourself,like meeting new people,just sounds fun...etc
What are your strong points that would be useful during preparation,on the day of event. *
i.e.. English skills,Friendly,peaceful,outgoing,talkative,detail oriented,hard work...etc
(for participants who chose one day volunteer) When will you participate the event?
(for participants who chose MC) Which place will you participate the event?
Please choose from here: Yoyogi park(Tokyo), Yokohama, Kawasaki, Makuhari/Chiba, Sodegaura/Chiba, Saitama
If you have any questions and a particular position that you are interested in, please let us know. (We might not response because of much asking.sorry for inconvenience that)
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