Recreational use of the Severn Estuary
What is the project?
The Severn Estuary, stretching between England and Wales, is one of the UK’s most dynamic habitats, providing a sanctuary for a diverse array of marine life, migratory birds, and unique plant species. For recreation, it's a go-to spot for outdoor activities, from walking to watersports.

Your feedback plays a pivotal role in preserving this balance, ensuring that the estuary continues to thrive for future generations while serving as a beloved recreational spot. Your voice matters in shaping its future.

This project, funded by Natural England and delivered by Afallen and the Severn Estuary Partnership, will help to build evidence towards a strategic solution for recreational disturbance in this area.

How can I participate?
If you visit the Severn Estuary, please complete this survey about what activities you undertake when you visit the Severn. It should take no more than about 5 minutes. Your data is very valuable in helping to develop a plan for protecting waterbirds and other wildlife.

We will use the results of the survey to help:
  • Understand how better to provide information to visitors
  • Plan for minimising disturbance to waterbirds from recreational activities, particularly at times of year when they are most sensitive, such as wintering
  • Prepare for possible further in-depth studies on how to best cater for the wide range of activities that people want to carry out in the Severn Estuary
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