Hallowed Fantasy Helper Application Form
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Email *
About the Helper rank
Helpers are there to help the community of Hallowed Fantasy out. Whenever a player has a question or problem, Helpers are there to help out. Helpers should be willing to help you with any community or in-game related questions. The only permission guides have are to mute other players. Should any further punishments be needed, they contact a higher rank.
Section 1
You will be asked several questions. You may answer the questions freely in the fields provided.
Minecraft IGN *
Discord # *
Having a Discord account is mandatory; as we use it to communicate with all staff members.
Age *
Timezone *
At what times are you most often on? *
How many hours can you contribute daily? *
How long have you been playing Hallowed Fantasy? *
You must have been a member of Hallowed Fantasy for at least 1 week to be eligible for the Helper rank.
Are you currently staff in any other communities? *
If you are caught lying about this, you will be instantly denied.
Past experience(s) with being a staff member *
Whether it's on Minecraft, a real job, or other games/communities.
Why do you think you are qualified for this job? *
Why do you want this job?
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