Finding Auckland's special trees
Please let The Tree Council know the address and species of the really big, rare and special trees ON PRIVATE LAND in the Auckland Region. We want to create a database so that future nominations to add trees to the Notable Tree Schedule 10 can be done quickly and efficiently.
Better prepared means better able to respond, and that means better outcomes for our special trees.

We will assess all the suggestions you send using arboricultural experts, so please do not waste their time by suggesting "normal" trees that have no chance of passing the scheduling criteria. The bar for scheduling is set extremely high. So we are only interested in hearing about exceptional trees. They could be extremely large/old, a particularly good example of their species, a rare or unusual species, or have some kind of historic association (we will need evidence of this). Not your average pohutukawa - sorry.

Please fill in the form below for every private land address you think has exceptional tree(s) on it. If you don't know the species that's ok please just say so. If you can tell us how many trees of which species are on the property that would be helpful, if not then say you don't know. You can suggest multiple trees (of one or more species) on the same property.

Please don't tell us about trees on public land because they are already protected and it will just waste our resources. The priority is private land because these trees have no legal protection and are extremely vulnerable to development. If you are the landowner, or you have permission from the landowner to make this suggestion, please let us know because that will be an asset to the nomination.

If you are an arborist / landscape architect / ecologist capable & willing to assist us with these technical assessments please let us know - we would love your help to spread the workload.

Thanks very much for your help - together let's find as many of Auckland's remaining special trees as we can before it's too late.

The Tree Council Board
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Email *
Your Surname (family name) *
Your First Name *
Phone number *
Physical address of the tree(s) you are suggesting should be listed on the Notable Tree Schedule 10 in the Auckland Unitary Plan *
Suburb *
City *
Are you the landowner of this property? *
If you are not the landowner, do you have the permission of the landowner to suggest this tree should be listed on the Notable Tree Schedule 10 in the Auckland Unitary Plan? (We will require written evidence of this).
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Before you tell us about the trees, is there anything else you want to tell us about this property or the situation that we need to know before we assess the trees?
Are you an arborist / landscape architect / ecologist / total tree nerd capable & willing to help us do the technical assessments?
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What species is/are the tree(s) you are suggesting should be listed on the Notable Tree Schedule 10 in the Auckland Unitary Plan? If you don't know say "I don't know" *
How many trees of this species are there? *
Is there an historical association with the tree(s) on this property? If so, tell us what it is (briefly). Please provide links to evidence.
Is there another species on this property that should be listed on the Notable Tree Schedule 10 in the Auckland Unitary Plan? *
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