If filled out prior to open house, you can pick up your car/walker tag up during open house. Form must be filled out by Friday, August 2nd at noon.
If filled out after noon on Friday, August 2nd, parents can pick up their car/walker tag in the front office up until 1:30. If you are unable to pick up your car tag by this time, you will have to come in the building and show your ID to pick up your student/s.
If you have more than one car rider/walker in your family, you only need to fill out this form once UNLESS you need a carpool tag. If you have students who will carpool with you, please be sure to fill out the form for a car tag that has all of the names of the students who will be in your carpool.
You will be able to have up to 3 car/walker tags per family. If you need more than 3 please email Ms. Grove at crystal.grove@ccboe.net