Travel Request 

Thank you for your interest in Travel With Joy Lough.  You may complete this form for assistance with booking or you can book your travel needs at  You may also call me 336.223.4778 or email me at  I will be more than happy to assist with completing the form  or to  answer any questions you may have.  
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Email *
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
 Phone Number *
If this is a cell, may I text you? *
Tell me about your Dream Destination.
Where would you like to travel?
Please also share if you would like multiple destinations
What is the desired Departure date? *
What is the desired Return date? *
If you have multiple dates please share here
What is your departure airport preference? *
How many people will be traveling? *
Will there be children traveling? *
If there will be children, how many?
Please share your travel needs.
Please check all the apply
Do you have a hotel preference?  if so, please share here.  If you do not have one, please type "NA" *
Do you have a passport? *
Will you need special accommodations? *
What is your vacation budget? *
Please share anything else you would like Dr. Joy to know here *
Would you like to be on the Travel mailing list?  Periodically, there are deals/specials that I become aware of and I love to share with my clients.
I promise not to spam you.
I understand that I will will be contacted by Dr. Joy to confirm travel needs and that a deposit of $50.00 is required for a maximum of 3 quotes.  If I choose to book with Dr. Joy, I understand that I will be refunded the $50.  If I do NOT book with Dr. Joy, I understand that there will NOT be a refund. *
I understand that once I have had a  conversation with Dr. Joy and have agreed on a date for travel that my deposit is for  that destination ONLY.  If I decide to change my destination  or if I decide to change my date that another $50 will be required. *
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