COHI Inc.'s Summer Reader's Theater Camp Registration
Summer Reader's Theater CampĀ is a summer program that offers African American students an entertaining and engaging means of improving fluency and enhancing their comprehension skills. It enhances student's reading skills and confidence by having them practice close reading with a purpose. It also gives them the opportunity to practice communication/speaking skills, such as pronunciation, inflection, expression, and tone.

Completing this registration agrees the legal guardian to:
  1. Dropping off and picking up your child on time
  2. Approval that your child can attend the Summer Reader's Theater Camp
  3. COHI Inc. can contact you and the emergency contact if necessary
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Physical Address *
Phone Number *
Child's Name *
School Child Attends *
Child's Email Address (if applicable)
Emergency Contact's Name
Emergency Contact's Phone Number
Emergency Contact's Relation to Child
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