Bluewater Library Access Level 2024-2025

Okaloosa County District Schools has implemented a new process that allows parents to choose their student's level of access to school media center and classroom library collections each year:

Unlimited My student may have full access to check out grade and age-appropriate books that are available at their grade level (elementary, middle, high) school media center and classroom libraries. If you choose Unlimited, you do not need to complete the form.

Limited My student may check out books from the library media center, but there is content that I would like my student not to have access to in the library media center, including the classroom library. Please list the titles/authors that your student cannot access.

No Access My student is not permitted to check books out of the library media center or use classroom library books.

Please complete the form below to choose your student's access level. If you choose Unlimited, you do not need to complete the form.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Today's Date *
Student Name *
Name of School *
Student ID Number *

Choose your student’s access level:


If Limited Accessplease list the titles/authors that your student cannot access.

Parent Name


Parent Contact Number


Parent Email

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