Please complete this form to register for the free Krav Maga Workshop in Observatory, Johannesburg
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Full Name *
Date of Birth *
Contact Number *
Please provide your cell phone number below
Email Address *
Please provide your email address below
Disclaimer & Indemnity *
Elite Defence Academy, its proprietors, instructors, partners, and affiliates assume no liability whatsoever for any damage, loss, injury or death incurred by any person in the course of instruction and practice. Although every care is taken to ensure the safety of each individual, Krav Maga is a combat system and there is natural inherent risk contained in the performance thereof. All participants undertake training at their own risk and are cognisant of the physical nature of the training.
First Aid Permission *
In the extremely unlikely event of injury or serious illness during class, do you grant permission to receive first aid treatment from an EDA instructor, or other first aid practitioner, in class should it be required?
Social Media Permission *
Pictures and videos are sometimes taken in class, that we occasionally use for training purposes or social media marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. Do you grant general permission for us to use photos or videos for these purposes?
Medical information
Do you have any pre-existing injuries, chronic illness or trauma that our instructor should know about before class? i.e Asthma, injured shoulder, heart defect, etc.
How did you hear about this workshop?
You're all set!
Thank you for registering our  FREE Elite Defence Academy Krav Maga self defence workshop!

We look forward to meeting you!

Saturday 27th March 2021
Observatory Sports Club
59 Frederick Street.

 EDA instructor Jennifer Brown will contact you as soon as possible, to confirm your booking. You can also contact her directly via Whatsapp - 066 452 2473  E-mail - if you have any questions before the workshop.
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