Submit Your Preferences for Involvement in 2025 MAR Committees and Task Forces
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More Information on Each Committee:
Scroll past the committee descriptions to indicate your first, second, third, fourth, and fifth choice of committees.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the appointment of an outside auditor and acceptance of the financial audit of the Association. The Committee is responsible for reviewing the Association’s audit documents and regulatory filings. The members of the Committee include an independent, non-REALTOR® CPA that provides technical support in the review of documents.
Charitable Foundation
With a mission to support those in need across the Commonwealth, the MAR Charitable Foundation uses the funds they raise to support Massachusetts-based 501(c)(3) charitable organizations that address housing, hunger, homelessness, and disaster relief. Each Trustee shall hold office for a term of three years, unless their appointment fills a vacancy. No person may serve more than two consecutive terms. Time Commitment: approximately 10 meetings per year, approximately 20 hours to review grant applications, and approximately 20 to 30 hours for workgroup tasks.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Member Engagement Task Force
The purpose of the Diversity, Inclusion, and Member Engagement Task Force is to support and engage in programs and activities of organizations and initiatives that encourage diversity in member involvement and leadership opportunities.
Education Committee

The charge of the Education Committee is to plan educational programming and events including but not limited to: Graduate REALTOR® Institute Programs; online Continuing Education courses, broker education, and other professional development programs such as the MAR conference.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee (FinCom) makes recommendations to the Treasurer, Executive Committee and the Board of Directors regarding the financial matters of the Association.  FinCom responsibilities include budgeting and financial statement review.
Forms Content Advisory Committee
The Forms Content Advisory Committee monitors and advises the MAR attorneys regarding MassForms™. The Committee discusses and implements revisions to existing forms, as well as creating new forms, when necessary. The Committee's goal is to ensure that the MAR Forms Library contains accurate, up-to-date, necessary forms to assist REALTORS throughout a real estate transaction. The Committee meets approximately 3 times per year.
Government Affairs Committee
The charge of the Government Affairs Committee shall be to review current legislative and regulatory issues. The Committee is authorized to make decisions with MAR professional staff regarding MAR positions on regulatory and legislative issues pursuant to the MAR Public Policy Statement. The Committee shall oversee the Private Property Protection Fund to the extent authorized in the Fund’s guidelines. MAR's Government Affairs Committee reviews current legislative and regulatory issues and provides input and strategic advice to MAR leadership and staff. Meetings: Approximately 5 times per year.
Grievance Committee
The charge of the Grievance Committee is to review Ethics and Arbitration Complaints pursuant to the NAR Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee acts for and reports to the Board of Directors regarding all investment activities of the Association. Guided by an independent outside professional investment advisory firm, the Committee ensures compliance with MAR investment policies.
Member Benefits Committee

The Member Benefits Committee evaluates, provides and promotes services and products that benefit a member's business and enhance services and value to MAR members. The committee has the authority to review, approve and terminate affinity partnerships. The Member Benefits Committee is responsible for selecting recipients of the MAR Gratitude Project Award and reviewing consumer awareness promotions. Meetings: Approximately 6 times per year

Professional Standards Committee
The charge of the Professional Standards Committee is to continue to provide fair, ethical and consistent Professional Standards services through experienced and well-trained members. Members shall be available to serve pursuant to the MAR Interboard Arbitration Agreement and the Interstate Arbitration Agreement, including but not limited to: offering mediation, ombudsman, grievance, and arbitration.
Young Professional Network
A group of young, career-minded real estate professionals who want to stay abreast of the latest tools, resources, and networking opportunities. As home buyers get younger and the real estate industry constantly evolves, MAR YPN sets out to ensure young professionals' voices and ideas are heard within the industry. The Young Professionals Network is a dynamic entry point for real estate professionals striving to become more successful in their careers and gain leadership experience. By providing this entry point, MAR is building a new, diverse generation of leaders, strengthening members' affinity for the REALTOR® brand early in their career, and gaining a valuable perspective on generational shifts.
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Please share any prior business experience, interests and/or passions that you have that would assist us in learning more about you and where you can potentially and most effectively engage with MAR to contribute to the success of the strategic plan. Examples include: fundraising, special events, strategic planning, etc.
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