San Antonio and the rest of the world is in the middle of a climate crisis. How we respond and inform the community of the growing dangers of climate inaction can make all the difference for frontline groups who are weathering the brunt force of this crisis. Our goal is to push for bold climate action from local to state to national policy initiatives, as we strive to make gains towards a fossil fuel free future centered around a Just Transition. The Climate Colectiva works to identify climate justice supporters to build an informed and resilient base of community members through political education and mutual aid. Our collective aims to provide real-time support for community members on the frontlines of environmental racism, utility debt, food scarcity, disaster and weatherization vulnerabilities. Join our base building campaign in the fight for climate justice!

We need energetic and self motivated people to work across the city of San Antonio in targeted polling locations to scale up our outreach efforts during early voting and on Election Day. 


Early Voting October 24 to November 4 2022

October 24-28 8am to 6pm

October 29 8am to 8pm

October 30 12pm to 6pm

October 31-November 4 8am to 8pm

Election Day November 8 

7am to 7pm


Canvassers will have the primary goal identifying climate justice supporters and gathering their signature in support of the Climate Colectiva Campaign. Contract employee will attend an orientation and pick up all the required materials to be ready to collect signatures staring October 24. Contractor may work 4 or 8 hour shifts.


Employee will receive $18 per hour for the work described above.

Please  answer the following questions and mark the days and someone will reach out to you promptly. If you have any questions emails us at or call or text us at 210-701-2212
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Full Legal Name  *
Chosen Name if different than Legal Name
Mailing Address *
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Have you worked a campaign with us in the past? *
Please tell us why you want to work this campaign *
Please List All Relevant Work Experience
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