报名表格 Registration Form                      微电影大赛 “我的新加坡狂想曲”          Micro Film Competition "My Singapore Rhapsody"   
请确保您已在 http://microfilm.zaobao.com/2023阅读大赛细节与条款。
Please ensure you have read the Competition details and terms at https://microfilm.zaobao.com/2023/en/
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组别 | Category *
前往 https://microfilm.zaobao.com/2023/details 查看组别要求。
Visit https://microfilm.zaobao.com/2023/en/details for category requirements.
参赛者姓名(华文) | Participant Name (Chinese)
参赛者姓名(英文) | Participant Name (English) *
身份证最后四位"数字+字母" | NRIC/FIN last 4 alphanumeric *
e.g. 123A
年龄 | Age *
If you are under 18 years old, you will need to submit a parental consent form when submitting your entry.
国籍 | Nationality *
如果您不是新加坡公民,请填写您的国籍 | If you are not a Singapore Citizen, please state your nationality. *
如果您是新加坡公民,请填“NA”。| Fill "NA" if you are a Singapore Citizen.
联系电话 | Phone *
电邮地址 |  Email Address *
请问您是怎样知道此大赛的?| How did you hear about us? *
e.g. 通过新闻 | Saw on the news
您已阅读并同意 “我的新加坡狂想曲” 微电影大赛官方网站 http://microfilm.zaobao.com/2023/terms 上的所有条款和条规。I have read and agree to all terms and conditions for "My Singapore Rhapsody" Micro Film Competition at http://microfilm.zaobao.com/2023/en/terms *
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