2021-2022 Academy Sign-Up
Staff -

This is the master list for academies / after school professional development opportunities. Unless otherwise stated, all academies will be held in the OHS Learning Center from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.  Participants will be compensated per their hourly rate or the contractually negotiated rate for all academies.  

If you are not interested in an academy, just skip that question / prompt. Only answer for those academies you are interested in attending.  If we add additional academies - we will re-share the sign-up.

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New Teacher Academies - Please select the dates in which you plan to attend.  All meetings will be from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. in the OHS Learning Center.   (Facilitators - Laura O'Donnell & Alyssa Jones)
Year 2 - New Teacher Academies (For those that started in the District 2020-2021)  (Facilitators - Laura O'Donnell & Alyssa Jones)
Brain Based SEL Systems & Structures; this Academy includes four sessions.  Prior to each book discussion session, yoga will be offered to participants at  the Yoga Lab (207 South Prospect Road Suite 2, Bloomington, IL).  Optional yoga will be at 5:00 p.m. with the book study discussion happening at 6:00 p.m. Participants can attend the discussion portion in-person (at the Yoga Lab) or they can attend virtually.    Dates :  September 1,  September 29,  October 20,  November 17.  Participants will be compensated for 12 hours of total time (1 hour for each discussion meeting and 2 hours of reading time per session).   Facilitator - Abby Lyons
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Rethinking Hattie & What Really Works - Two Sessions- November 4, 2021 and November 11, 2021.  (Mike Jones)
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CPR - Initial Course & Refresher Course (Facilitator - Erin Birky)  Please select one class below if you need initial or refresher training.
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Coaches & Sponsors - You Win in the Locker Room First.  Please select the sessions below you plan on attending.  (Facilitator - Mike Castleman)
Collective Efficacy - Creating & Sustaining It in A Building;  Two Sessions - September 20 & November 15 - 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.  (Facilitator - Lisa Castleman)
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