DrugFreeSG Champions' Theme 1 Training Quiz
Welcome to the DrugFreeSG Champions' Theme 1 Training Quiz! This engaging quiz is designed to reinforce your understanding of the topics outlined in our Theme 1 training.
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Q1 - In the early 2000s, Singapore faced a significant drug crisis which prompted strict legislation. Which drug was involved? *
1 point
Q2 - What was the primary reason for Singapore's adoption of strict drug laws in the 1970s? *
1 point

Q3 - According to the Singapore Health and Lifestyle Survey conducted in 2022, which was the most commonly abused drug?

1 point
Q4 - What legislative amendment in the 1980s signalled Singapore's firm stance against drug trafficking and abuse? *
1 point
Q5 - Which year did Singapore enact the Misuse of Drugs Act, which forms the basis of its current drug policy? *
1 point
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