Open Letter: Neutrality Normalizes Genocide

*scroll down to sign*

21 November 2023

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dear Executive Board of Utrecht University, dear Prof. Anton Pijpers, Prof. Henk Kummeling, Margot van der Starre, and Chiara Stam,

We, the undersigned, academic and administrative staff and students of Utrecht University (UU), write to urge you, as the governing body of UU, to take a stance against Israel’s crimes being perpetrated against 2.3 million Palestinians in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip. As a public institution committed to education based on the tenets of justice, human rights and freedom for all, to stand against genocide is the most profound ethical obligation we have today. We urge you to take a position and set a precedent, as an academic institution, by calling for ending the genocidal war on Gaza and the Palestinian people, for accountability, and for justice for all.

As of today, and according to UN News and Al Jazeera’s live tracker, over 13,000 Palestinians have been killed, 5,500 of whom are children. The number of injured reached 30,000, many of whom are in critical conditions, and 6,000 have been reported missing. On Monday November the 6th, the UN Secretary General António Guterres amplified demands for a ceasefire warning that Gaza is becoming a "graveyard for children". Furthermore, Israel’s genocidal onslaught on Gaza has resulted in the forced displacement of nearly 1.7 million Palestinians across Gaza, or over 73% of the population. Israel continues to strangle the population by cutting all exits, indiscriminately bombing the whole territory, and severing all access to clean water, food, electricity and basic conditions that make life livable. Oxfam has accused Israel of using “starvation as a weapon of war” against Palestinians.

This has drawn condemnation from Amnesty International, Oxfam, Doctors without Borders (MSF), UNRWA, the World Health Organization, and Action Aid, amongst others. They all point out that the collective punishment of Gaza’s civilians, including the killing of aid workers, journalists, medics, as well as the destruction of essential infrastructure and shelters such as hospitals, homes, schools, and sites of UN shelters, are war crimes and therefore violations of humanitarian law – all committed by the Israeli occupation forces with international impunity. 

Israeli professor of Holocaust and genocide studies Raz Segal, and former senior United Nations human rights official Craig Mokhiber, have described Israel’s aggression in Gaza as “a textbook case of genocide.” Thirty six UN Special Rapporteurs have said it is a “genocide in the making,” while over 880 international scholars had warned weeks ago of the unfolding Israeli genocide in Gaza. 

Despite the mounting evidence of genocide and war crimes, Utrecht University’s College van Bestuur has opted for a position of “neutrality.” In a response to a letter issued by UU students, and signed by over 1,195 students and faculty, the CVB states: “We understand the call to take a stand. However, that is not our role as UU. We are a university, not a political institute.” 

Taking a stance against a genocidal onslaught is not merely a political position, it is our ethical imperative as a university to do so. Our university’s motto “Sol lusititiae illustra nos” - “May the sun of justice enlighten us” - should be a motto that we live by.  As an educational institution, to strive for justice means to be resolutely committed to the truth, and to stand against war crimes and  dispossession, the same way UU did in the past by rightly expressing solidarity with Ukraine . Failing to consistently do so in the case of Palestine would raise serious questions about UU’s double standard, particularly given that, unlike in the case of Russia’s invasion, the Dutch government has supported Israel while knowing of its commission of crimes. A lawsuit by Amnesty International, Oxfam Novib, The Rights Forum and PAX  has been recently filed to take the Dutch government to court for its complicity in Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza.

In their response to the aforementioned letter, the CVB further states that it is the university’s “main task to assure the well-being of all our students and employees, in particular those located in the conflict area and/or those in the Netherlands, with (family) ties to Israel or the Palestinian Territories.” It is precisely this concern that brings us to write this letter. Students and staff (Jewish, Palestinians, and others) at UU and across NL have expressed concern over our universities’ silence, their neglect of staff and students affected by the current events, as well as their attempts at repressing academic freedom and silencing speech about Palestine at this critical moment. 

As academic and administrative staff and students of UU, we refuse the double-standard enacted by UU and ask the CVB to join the calls by Dutch Scholars for Palestine and  Jewish scholars and students at Dutch Universities in taking a firm stance against the genocide, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes committed by Israel’s far-right government in Gaza. We call on Utrecht University to use its institutional standing in support of an immediate ceasefire, humanitarian aid for the Palestinians, and the end of the blockade of Gaza. We urge Utrecht University to stand for the Palestinian right to self-determination and against Israel’s system of military occupation and racial supremacy and domination which was described in recent years by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Israel’s leading human rights organization B'Tselem as “apartheid” against Palestinians. 

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide obligates the international community writ large to prevent and deter genocide, not just punish its perpetrators. ‘Never again’ means never again for everyone. The late South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” This is more  relevant today, in the face of genocide, than ever. 

We, the undersigned, ask our CVB to respond to our demands for a clear position in a public statement. If our call is not urgently answered, we ask our CVB for a public meeting to discuss how we can move forward in a University that refuses to acknowledge and call for an end to one of the worst humanitarian crises committed in recent history, and one that is arguably aided and abetted by the Dutch government. 



1.     Layal Ftouni, Faculty of Humanities, Assistant Professor 

2.     Magdalena Górska, Assistant Professor, Gender and Postcolonial Studies, Department of Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University

3.     Jamila Mascat, Assistant Professor Gender and Postcolonial Studies, MCW

4.     Mia You, UD, Engels

5.     Prof. Dr. Gloria Wekker, Faculty of the Humanities, EmeritaE

6.     Milica Trakilović, Faculty of the Humanities, academic staff

7.     Koen Leurs, Faculty of the Humanities, Media and Culture Studies, Graduate Gender Programme

8.     Gianmaria Colpani, Assistant Professor, Media and Culture Studies

9.     Marty Colombo, PhD Candidate, Social and Behavioral Sciences

10.  Dr. Paul Mepschen, Anthropology, UCU

11.  Geert Buelens, full professor, TLC/GW

12.  Dr. Jeroen Oomen, Assistant Professor, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development,

13.  Josie Chambers, Copernicus Institute of Sustainability Development, Assistant Professor

14.  Diana Vela Almeida, Assistant Professor, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development

15.  Zuleika Bibi Sheik, Assistant Professor, Humanities, UU

16.  Diana Vela Almeida, Assistant Professor, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development

17.  Anja Petrovic, UCU

18.  Jeran Bernabela, Humanities, Student (2023-2024)

19.  Zeid Hazboun, faculty of science, Masters student.

20.  Anna Prats, humanities, student

21.  Plamena Dimova, Humanities, MA student

22.  Alessandra Spadaro, Assistant Professor, REBO (IER afdeling)

23.  Dr. Laura Candidatu, Graduate Gender Programme, Utrecht University

24.  Dr. Annisa Triyanti, Faculty of Geosciences, Academic Staff

25.  Lennart Bolliger, Department of History and Art History, Assistant Professor

26.  Susanne Ferwerda, Assistant Professor in Comparative Literature

27.  Dan Hassler-Forest, Humanities Faculty, assistant professor 

28.  Kári Driscoll, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, Department of Languages, Literature, and Communication, Faculty of Humanities

29.  Monique van Ruyven, academic advisor (Humanities)

30.  Domitilla (domi) Olivieri, Faculty of Humanities, Assistant professor

31.  Hayal Akarsu (Anthropology, Assistant Professor)

32.  Rebecca Bryant, Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

33.  Sandra Ponzanesi, Professor Media, Gender and Postcolonial Studies, Faculty of Humanities

34.  Susanne C. Knittel, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Department of Languages, Literature, and Communication, Faculty of Humanities

35.  Anne Kustritz, Assistant Professor of Media and Culture

36.  Clara Vlessing, Academic Staff, Literary Studies

37.  Gerwin van Schie, Faculty of Humanities, Assistant Professor

38.  Jaafar Alloul, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

39.  Luca Pasquet, REBO, Assistant Professor of public international law

40.  Evina van Marrewijk, social sciences, academic staff

41.  Luka Dinic, UCU, student/administrative staff

42.  Hans Spijker, Diergeneeskunde, Onderwijs- en studentenzaken

43.  Eva Hayward, Faculty, Department of Media & Culture Studies

44.  Sue Blackwell, Dept. English, faculty of Humanities, academic staff

45.  Deirdre M. Donoghue, Faculty of Humanities, academic staff

46.  Sara Cvetkovska, PhD, FSBS, 2022

47.  Konstantina Georgelou, Assistant Professor, UCU and MCW

48.  Francisca Pessanha, Faculty of Sciences - PhD candidate

49.  Hannah Koster, Cultural Anthropology, teacher

50.  Aditi Saraf, Assistant Professor, Cultural Anthropology

51.  Nisrine Chaer, Faculty of Humanities, PhD candidate 

52.  Nina Köll, Assistant Professor Media Studies, University College Utrecht

53.  Salvo Nicolosi, LEG/REBO, academic staff

54.  Kinan Alajak, faculty of Humanities, academic staff

55.  Dr. Marie-Louise Glebbeek, Faculty of Social Science, cultural Anthropology 

56.  Markha Valenta, UCU, Assistant Professor

57.  Marlene Schäfers, Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Anthropology

58.  Zaki Arrobi, Social and Behavioral Sciences, PhD researcher

59.  Guanqin He, Faculty of Humanities, Gender Studies Programme, PhD 

60.  Eva Midden, Humanities, Assistant Professor

61.  Biljana Volchevska PhD student

62.  Zita Kries, University College Utrecht, Student

63.  Robbe de Boer, University College Utrecht, student 

64.  Fatima Zahra Charrouk, University Collee Utrecht alumnus 2022

65.  Stefania Pica, UCU, student 

66.  Marle Wissink, University College Utrecht, student

67.  Finn Zwank, BSC Student at University College Utrecht

68.  Salem Yohannes, FSW, Student

69.  Kathrine van den Bogert, LEG faculty, Assistant professor

70.  Kiene Brillenburg Wurth, professor

71.  Machiko Kanetake, REBO, academic staff

72.  Sara Miellet, postdoc, School of Governance (USG)

73.  Isha Lahiri, Humanities (Gender Studies), Student

74.  Floor, University College Utrecht, student

75.  Yu Wen Lee, Utrecht University, student

76.  Rebecca Zagarella, Faculty of the Humanities, Student

77.  Giulia Monteverde, Gender Studies RMA student, Utrecht University 

78.  Michelle van de Kerkhof, Humanities, Student

79.  Ier Vermeulen, Faculty of Humanities, Alumnus 2021

80.  Monika Varanauskaitė, University College Utrecht, student

81.  Dr. Valentina Di Stasio, Interdisciplinary Social Science, Associate Professor

82.  Mariëlle Smith, Utrecht University alumnus and former teacher

83.  Carmen Vidal Louro, Bètawetenschappen, student

84.  Gerard van der Ree, Assistant Professor, UCU

85.  Donya Alinejad, MCW   

86.  Jurre Zwart alumni 2010

87.  Myrthe van den Berg, University College Utrecht, student

88.  Willem Goedhart, Utrecht University College, Student

89.  Ares Solà Mauri, UCU student

90.  Ollie Köhn-Haskins, 2025 Bachelor student of University College Utrecht, humanities faculty

91.  Anna Poletti, Associate Professor, Department of Languages, Literature and Communication

92.  Kathrin Thiele, Associate Professor Gender Studies, Faculty of Humanities 

93.  Birgit M. Kaiser, Associate Professor Comparative Literature

94.  Lorena Sosa, Assistant Professor, School of Law, IER.

95.  David Henig, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Associate Professor, Cultural Anthropology

96.  Mirona Moraru, Social and Behavoural Sciences, postdoc researcher

97.  Flora Roberts, Assistant Professor in Environmental History, GKG, Faculty of Humanities 

98.  Gabriel Neurdenburg, UCU student

99.  Iris Hoffman, Humanities, department of Gender Studies, student

100.  Allanya Ike, University College Utrecht, Student '26

101.  Ania Mazurek, UCU, BSc Liberal Arts and Sciences student

102.  Thalia Ostendorf, Comparative literature, graduated 2016

103.  Sarah Ebrahem, Humanities, student

104.  Tadeusz Kaźmierczak, Humanities, Linguistics BA student

105.  Lucia Zemene, University College Utrecht, alumna 2023

106.  Ris Schortinghuis, Comparative Literature 

107.  Amna Areibi, creative business 

108.  Vanida Vansinte Jan, UCU, student

109.  Fortunata Manenti, Media and Culture, 2024

110.  Sarah Trottier, PhD Candidate and Lecturer, Department of Media and Culture Studies    

111.  Ozan Ozavci, Faculty of Humanities               

112.  Corey Wright, UCU, Assistant Professor 

113.  Rahel Abraham, Student at University College Utrecht 

114.  Kees Koonings, Social Sciences, Professor of Anthropology              

115.  Hans de Kruijf, Cultural Anthropology

116.  Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar, REBO

117.  Martina Michielan, Faculty of Geosciences, student

118.  Plamena Dimova, Humanities, MA student

119.  Eliza Moore/ UCU/ student

120.  Thalia Tran, UCU, student

121.  Emma Davies, University College Utrecht, student

122.  Alyssa Vreeken, Humanities, University Utrecht alumni

123.  Maarten van der Graaff, alumnus 2012

124.  Bente Schouwstra, University College Utrecht, Student

125.  Juliet Tanzer, UCU, Student

126.  Reney Karsten, Faculty of Humanities, studentallie

127.  Max Stanley, UCU, student

128.  Mara Facon, Humanities, student

129.  Caia Smith, University College Utrecht

130.  Kate DeYoung/student/2025

131.  Sophie Schut, UCU Liberal Arts & Sciences, Student '24

132.  Julia Martínez De Velasco Pimentel, Gender Studies, student 

133.  Shubhi Nand, University College Utrecht, Student

134.  Rosa Oomen, RMA Gender Studies student

135.  Nayantara Bora, student, University College Utrecht 

136.  Malaika Chidzero alumnus 2021

137.  Anselm Tandler, Student

138.  Sterre van der Pijll, Humanities Faculty, Student RMA Gender Studies

139.  Hadley Scott, University College Utrecht, student 

140.  Allegra Rowland, student, University College Utrecht 2023 1/2

141.  Eden El Haddad, Gender Studies 2024

142.  Sophia Kusch, Liberal Arts and Sciences, student

143.  Yousra Rahmouni Elidrissi, Faculty of Law, Economics & Governance, Academic

144.  Olivia van Gelderen, Philosophy Politics economics alumni 2022

145.  Matilda Stauber, Gender studies Humanities, student

146.  Anna Rosa Klaver, University College Utrecht, Student.

147.  Michele Bertoni, Faculty of Humanities, student in Gender Studies (RMA)

148.  Ling Ling Li, UCU Liberal Arts and Science, Class of 2022 1/2

149.  Anna López, Faculty of Humanities, MA Gender studies 2023-2024

150.  Kathi Ammann, alumni 2023 

151.  Meander Z. Ye, RMA Gender Studies

152.  Pınar Türer, Faculty of Humanities, alumna RMA 2020

153.  Alexandra (Sasha) Jourd'heuil, Humanities, Student

154.  Dewi Kopp, Comparative Literary Studies, Student, 2024

155.  Kaija Gilbertson Hall, student 

156.  Jesse Krebbers, Gender Studies, Student

157.  Fernanda Dizioli,  University College Utrecht, student

158.  Helen Aadnesgaard, Gender Studies, Alumni 2023

159.  Markha Valenta, UCU, Assistant Professor

160.  Sophie Bunink, Gender Studies RMA, student

161.  Yesmine Benzarti student

162.  Renske van der Bij, Humanities Student 

163.  Briana Urzica-Velicu, Faculty of Humanities, BSc Student in PPE

164.  Craydon Maloney, University College Utrecht, Student 

165.  Rania Ahmed, Social Sciences and Humanities, Student

166.  Jeanne Foltzer, UCU student 

167.  Siem van de Kar, university college Utrecht, student

168.  Dide van Eck, REBO, USG

169.  Sidonie Bellon - University College Utrecht 

170.  Rudy Brands, Humanities, RMA Gender Studies student

171.  Albert Solanes Valldaura, RMA Gender Studies

172.  Bella Arlman, university college Utrecht, student 

173.  Suheil Nofal, UCU, student

174.  Lilli Murtagh, UCU, student

175.  Atlas Portal, GEMMA student (Humanities)

176.  Aralyn Perelli-Harris, UCU student

177.  Muriel Owen, UCU, Student

178.  Defne Alacakaptan, Geosciences, Student

179.  Dr. Carolina Sánchez De Jaegher, Humanities, ICON Cultural Studies, UCLouvain

180.  Allie Constantine, RMA Gender studies, alum 2021              

181.  Luigi Prosperi, REBO, Academic staff

182.  Sarah Barker, Academic Staff, Social Sciences           

183.  Floor Mijland, UU PhD candidate                   

184.  Fahima Elmi, Interdisciplinairy Social Science Student (UU)              

185.  Fenna Oosterhuis, Sociale wetenschappen, student             

186.  Hugo Ferrero, ISW, Student               

187.  Lisa Alberts, faculty of social sciences, student                     

188.  Kelly Noonan, Humanities, Student and Student Assistant               

189.  Eline Post, Social Sciences and Humanities, Student             

190.  Tamarah de Haan, Humanities, RMA Gender Studies                                               

191.  Shanice Peeters, Social science, staff and student                                        

192.  Auxiliadora Castillo Soto, Media and Culture Studies, PhD Candidate                      

193.  Julide Sezer, GenderStudies RMA Alumna 2023                    

194.  Annabel van Baren, Gender Studies alumna (2005)                          

195.  Manon Eickermann, UCU, student                 

196.  Rosa Wevers, MCW, PhD candidate               

197.  Freekje de Klein, Humanities, student                       

198.  Dennis Jansen, PhD Candidate, MCW            

199.  Eleanor Knight, Faculty of Humanities, teacher                     

200.  Thirza Bier, Humanities student                                             

201.  Semiha Kartal, Faculty of Medicine, MSc student                                          

202.  Cara Flores, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, PhD Student          

203.  Pablo Ruiz Delgado, University College Utrecht, Student                  

204.  Dr. Ida Hillerup Hansen, Lecturer, Gender and Postcolonial Studies, Department of Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University                   

205.  Suvi McMenamin, UCU, Student                    

206.  Theron Schmidt, Assistant Professor, Media and Culture                 

207.  Noa Riedstra, ISW, student                

208.  Jason Mariotis (Comparative Literature, Lecturer)                

209.  Meike Kooistra - MA Gender Studies, Faculty of Humanities                        

210.  Mirthe Megens, humanities, student             

211.  Anjali Chandawarkar, Temporary Teaching Staff and RMA Comparative Literary Studies Alumni (class of 2023)              

212.  Tobin den Blijker, alumnus Research Master Gender Studies 2023              

213.  Maria-Eleni Athanasopoulou, Gender Studies, Student                    

214.  Sergio Villamizar, UU Gender Studies Master, Student 

215.  Ali Venir, PhD candidate, Cultural Anthropology

216.  Minka de Regt, Humanities, Student

217.  Laura van Stein, Faculty of Social Sciences, Alumni

218.  Lieke Preijde, Humanities, RMA Genderstudies students 

219.  Jenny Canters, Humanities, MA student

220.  Jip de Jong, Faculty of Geosciences, BSc student

221.  Rosa van Opheusden, Research Master Gender Studies, Student

222.  Imme Hassink, MA Gender Studies, student 

223.  Laura Dekkers, Medicine, alumnus 2023

224.  Grey Ravelli, UU Gender Studies Master, student

225.  Anna Bothe, Humanities, Gender Studies Graduate 2023

226.  Jamie Lee Gilley, Gender Studies Research Masters 2025

227.  Duygu Erbil, PhD candidate, Comparative Literature

228.  Seama Mowri, Geosciences, PhD Researcher

229.  Marco Borkent, RMA Gender Studies, Student

230.  Eamonn Connor, Humanities, RMA Alumna 2019

231.  H. Tyler, UCU, student

232.  Yvon Marinus RMA Comparative Literature 

233.  Maria Drabik, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Utrecht

234.  Marina arditi. Gender studies, Gemma. Alumni (2023) 

235.  Ruxandra Gîdei, Faculty of Humanities, RMA Comparative Studies 2022-2024

236.  Thirza Kramer (Gender Studies MA student)

237.  Flora Lehmann, Humanities, RMA Comparative Literary Studies

238.  Lilja Kanerva, Gender Studies Graduate2023

239.  Saskia Bultman, lecturer, Literary Studies

240.  Max Ouwehand, RMA CLS Class of 2025

241.  Aimée de Wit, student Gender Studies (MA) 

242.  Suzanne Balm, alumnus RMA Comparative Literary Studies

243.  Vlinder (S) Verouden, RMA Gender Studies Student

244.  H. de Wit, Faculty of Humanities Utrecht University, student

245.  Joosje Holstein, UU Comparative Literary Studies RMA, Student

246.  Meliksah Eser, ISW/Social Sciences, student

247.  Imogen Grigorovich, RMA Comparative Literary Studies, Student

248.  Joude Bazzoun, UCU alumni 2023

249.  Ilja Bastiaansen, humanities, student

250.  Rupsa Nag, Gender Studies, alumni

251.  Prerna, UCU, Social Sciences & Humanities

252.  Daria Coman, UCU, student

253.  Eva de Wit, Humanities student 

254.  Femma den Toom, Faculty of Humanities, Student

255.  Lou Lechte, UCU/BA liberal arts and sciences, student 2023 

256.  Anneke Kuipers Abad, MA Writing, Editing and Mediating student, 2024

257.  Linda van Duin, Gender Studies, Student

258.  Tom van Bunnik, Faculty of Humanities, Comparative Literary Studies

259.  Andreea Chirita, MA International Relations in Historical Perspective, student

260.  Emma Spierings, TCS, Student

261.  Maren Smith, Comparative Literature RMA, Student

262.  Maya Asad, student, Faculty of Humanities, RMA Comparative Literary Studies

263.  Liam Audley, student, University College Utrecht 

264.  delaney mcbride, gender studies masters student

265.  Federica Bonsi, Humanities, student

266.  Tatiana-Acevedo-Guerrero / Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development/ Faculty of Geosciences 

267.  Marie, Humanities, student

268.  Cecilia Cienfuegos, alumnus Gender Studies RMA 2018

269.  Zehra Göktaş, BA Cultural Anthropology UU, student

270.  Samuel Prater-Bellver, RMA Art History 2025

271.  Ruby Brosens, UCU, student

272.  Cyerra Adams, RMA Art History, Student

273.  Bence Kis, University College Utrecht, student

274.  Lucy Richmond, Liberal Arts and Sciences, student 

275.  Niek van de Pas, Cultural Anthropology

276.  Rita Sousa, Gender Studies RMA 2023 alumni

277.  Alies Vaartjes, Humanities, Comparative Literary Studies, student

278.  Mijntje du Pont, RMa student Comparative Literary Studies 

279.  Meia Oei, RMA student Comparative Literary Studies

280.  Aleida Argueta Castañeda, Humanities, Literature Today (MA) student

281.  Kyra Chalon, UCU, Student

282.  Maaike Weitering, RMA Gender Studies

283.  Glenpherd Martinus, Humanities, student

284.  Kate Lee, University College Utrecht, Student

285.  Mohana Zwaga, Humanities UU, Administrative staff and student

286.  Katherine To-Hauser, MA Conflict Studies, Student

287.  Sofie Burger, UU Physics and Astronomy, student

288.  Marina Casado, GEMMA Student, UU

289.  Splinter Suidman, MSc Mathematical Sciences

290.  Lilia Charif student PPE

291.  Elisa Gómez, UCU, student

292.  Umut Güney Yüce / Science Faculty / Master Student

293.  Laura Ribeiro de Lima, Faculty of Geosciences, Student

294.  Anika Sebudde MA Cultural Anthropology: sustainable citizenship 

295.  Danique van der Weijden, Faculty of medicine, neuroscience and cognition master's student

296.  Judith van der Hoek, Humanities, Student

297.  Kiek Korevaar, RMA Gender Studies, student 

298.  Sabrina Cupcea, UCU, Alumni (class of 2023)

299.  Krista Jantowski alum 2011

300.  Michael Afful Mensah, Faculty of Science, alumnus (2023) and student assistant 

301.  Evdoxia Karagianni, Natural Sciences, student 

302.  Lies Domen, Geoscience, student 

303.  Teun Kers, BA Social Sciences: Cultural Anthropology

304.  Müge Özoğlu, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature 

305.  Teun Kers, BA Social Sciences: Cultural Anthropology

306.  Munir Kreidie, Media and Culture, Student

307.  Abigail Nieves Delgado, Assistant Professor, HPS, Utrecht University

308.  Sune Kjeldsen, Gender Studies (RMA) student 

309.  Silvia Protino, Gender Studies, Student

310.  Lotte Suardi, RMA Comparative Literary Studies, student

311.  Aditi Battu, UCU ‘22 alumnus 

312.  Karlijn Herforth, Humanities, alumnus 2020

313.  Melissa van den Schoor, Comparative Literature alumni 2019

314.  Lotje Brouwer, Cultural Anthropology 

315.  Kalina Zhivkova, Faculty of Humanities, Media & Culture, student

316.  Chiara Ausiello, Faculty of Humanities, Comparative Literary Studies, student

317.  Sofie Blijleven, Humanities, Student

318.  Luca Béres, University College Utrecht, student

319.  Ferran Contijoch Rovira, Economic Policy Class 2023

320.  Louis Kappler, Humanities, student

321.  Nóra Zala, University College Utrecht, student

322.  Sophie Opdam, MA Gender Studies

323.  Stefan Berner Beltran, Faculty of Geosciences, MSc Sustainable Development Student

324.  Martina Laura, GEMMA student 2019

325.  Ani Encheva, Faculty of Humanities, RMA Media, Art and Performance Studies, Student

326.  Rona de Bruijne, Humanities, RMA student

327.  Nikki Fredriksz, science faculty, Physics Student 

328.  Dana Amer, school of medicine, CSND masters

329.  Luisa Iglio, humanities, RMA student 

330.  Lora Ward, UCU, student 

331.  Felicia Melin, University College Utrecht, Student

332.  Marthe van Bronkhorst, premaster student Applied Ethics UU '24

333.  Luisa Iglio, humanities, RMA Philosophy student (UU)

334.  Andrea Campodonico, Humanities, student 

335.  Jorge Miguel, Natural Sciences, student 

336.  Wasim Abueleyan, Rechtsgeleerdheid, Student

337.  Huib Jan Wind, Humanities, department of Gender Studies, student

338.  Hilal Kocak, RMA CLS, student

339.  Deez Nuts, Philosophy, PhD

340.  Ahnaf Ashhab Pathan, UCU, Student

341.  Tamara Szilagyi-Hajdu, Faculty of Humanities, student

342.  Shagoofa Rahmani, MA Gender Studies 

343.  Saba Hamzah, Gender Studies, alumni 2020

344.  Ruben de Groot, medicine, student

345.  Saskia Roozeboom, Faculty of Humanities, student (2024)

346.  Claire Legters, Humanities, student

347.  Lana Varat, MA Cultural Anthropology, student

348.  Danique Beun, Social Sciences, MSc student

349.  Wouter Keijzer, ReMa Cultural Anthropology, student

350.  Matteo Bensi, Cultural Anthropology, Student

351.  Marguerite van den Berg, Utrecht University, USG

352.  Noor Blaas - alumni 2022

353.  Alexandros Angelou, Msc Cultural Anthropology, student

354.  Luut van Gent, student Cultural Anthropology 

355.  Bente Verseput, Social Sciences - Cultural Anthropology, student

356.  Merel Verweij, Cultural Anthropology, student

357.  Kris Withagen, student Cultural Anthropology & Gender Studies 

358.  Amelie Coppens, Cultural Anthropology, student

359.  Quirien Grip, faculty of social sciences, student

360.  Lieke Kovac, Faculty of Social Sciences, Anthropology student

361.  Marijn Bruins, SCIM graduate ‘23 & OI

362.  Sterre Assinck, Cultural Anthropology, student 

363.  Mirthe Bosselaar, MA Cultural Anthropology, Student

364.  Luis Montero, humanities grad student 

365.  Luna Verveen, Cultural Anthropology, Student 

366.  Lobke van Vugt, cultural anthropology, student 

367.  Sara Hsueh Sanou, Faculty of Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology, Student

368.  Lieke Korfage, Cultural Anthropology, alumni 2023

369.  Annick van Iren, organizational psychology, 2015 alum

370.  Zara Rietberg, Humanities, Student.

371.  Naomi, BA Cultural Anthropology, student

372.  Fiona Holdinga, RMS student Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformation 2025

373.  Olivia Klein Hesselink BA Cultural Anthropology

374.  Marit van Dijk, Social Sciences, Student

375.  Dustin Gordon alumni 2010

376.  Marinus vdRS, MA Cultural Anthropology, student

377.  Floor Scheenstra, BA Culturele Antropologie UU, student

378.  Stijn Welgraven, Social Sciences, Student Cultural Anthropology 

379.  Mayke Venninckx, social siences, student

380.  Laura Smit, Social Sciences, Cultural Antroplogy student

381.  Floris Schuiling, Assistant Professor of Musicology

382.  Isis Wichman, Social sciences, Student

383.  Nûri Topcu, Social Sciences, student 

384.  Nini Mulder, University College Utrecht, student

385.  Peer Brooijmans, Cultural Anthropology, Student

386.  Abbie Yunita, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, PhD Candidate

387.  Claire Pisters, Cultural Anthropology

388.  C Simpson, Humanities, PhD Candidate

389.  Isa Houdé, Geosciences & Social Sciences, MA student

390.  Jolien van Veen, Cultural Anthropology, PhD 

391.  Anna van Benthem, Cultural Anthropology, Student

392.  Maali Jamil, MA History of Politics and Society 

393.  Alara Nelson, Cultural Anthropology, student

394.  Ioannis Pavlopoulos, Gender Studies, Student

395.  Lenaïc Segeren, social sciences, student

396.  Elliott Zomerlinde, Cultural Antropology, student

397.  Yke Eijkemans, Cultural Anthropology, staff

398.  Damir Boeren, Faculty of Social Sciences, MA Cultural Anthropology

399.  Luīze Ancāne, Social sciences & humanities, student

400.  Lara Mohammed, Sociale Wetenschappen, student

401.  Pim van den Brink, Liberal arts and sciences, alumni 2017

402.  Tiba Majeau, Cultural Anthropology, Student

403.  Jolin Ordelman, MA Cultural Anthropology

404.  Marah Rose Seremak, Universiteit van Humanistiek, MA student

405.  Ilse van der Veen, Utrecht University School of Governance, student 

406.  Rona Loeffen, student, RMA Nederlandse literatuur en cultuur

407.  Lobke Machiela, Social Sciences, Student

408.  Neea Barden, MSc Anthropology 2024

409.  Cheyenne Doppen, MA Cultural Anthropology, student

410.  Teun Kers, BA Social Sciences: Cultural Anthropology 

411.  Hua Bakker, student Cultural Anthropology

412.  Neeltje de Vries, Anthropology Student UU

413.  Iris Kater, Humanities, student

414.  Bente Edinga, Social Sciences, BA Cultural Anthropology

415.  Zara de Booij, Social sciences, student

416.  Jiayu Ellen Wu, Humanities, Gender Studies, MA student

417.  Noortje van Oosten, student Cultural Anthropology

418.  Meike Koopman, MA Gender Studies, student  

419.  Lisa Burghardt, MCW, PhD candidate,

420.  Yoran Goossen, Cultural Anthropology - Education/Honours, student & staff

421.  Sarah Niessen, Cultural Anthropology, student

422.  Britt Keulen, FSBS, Cultural Anthropology student 2024

423.  Hanan de Sain, Cultural Anthropology, RM student

424.  Gijs Oosterhagen, BA English Language and Culture, student year 1

425.  Ania Vasilieva, humanities, student

426.  Mila Dekker, BA English Language and Culture student

427.  Sarah van den Brink, TCS/GW

428.  Hasan Azzuz, Humanities, student

429.  Hamza Kariman, Universiteit Utrecht Farmacie. Student

430.  Julie Solevad, School of Social Sciences (Anthropology), MA student 

431.  Marin Karr, Geosciences, Erasmus Student, 2023 

432.  Sasha Baker, UCT, alumnus 2023

433.  Salomé Devulder, UCU student 

434.  Ruben Vis, student, BA Biology

435.  M. Verhulst, Humanities Student

436.  Isa van Duijnhoven, Humanities, student

437.  Tije Kleijn, Student BA Cultural Anthropology 

438.  Yvonne Dings, student Cultural Anthropology

439.  Greta Aidietyte, student

440.  Minne van der Mast, Liberal Arts & Sciences student 

441.  Nils Thibault, UCU student 

442.  Floor Bakkum, Humanities, student

443.  Elise Alkemade, science faculty, student 

444.  Ana Maria Vallejo Perez, geoscience, MSc sustainable development student

445.  Karl Göpfert, Geoscience, Student

446.  Kim Verbeke, student, RMA Gender Studies

447.  Miyu Maeda, Geoscience, Global Sustainability Science

448.  Laura Faneca, MA Arts and Society, Faculty of Humanities

449.  Emme Jacobs, Cultural Anthropology, Student

450.  Danielle Lewis,  Humanities, Student

451.  Arlo van Laar, Social Studies, student

452.  Georgia Andreou, MA gender studies 

453.  Marina Conde Vigo, Legal Research, Student

454.  Esther Meijers Anthropology student 

455.  Julianne O'Donovan geosciences student

456.  Yan He, MSc Sustainable Development

457.  Joanne Wijnands, biologie, student

458.  Suheda Alpaslan, BA Psychology

459.  Cato Smit, MA student Applied Ethics

460.  Magdalena Zajączkowska, MSc Sustainable Development, student

461.  Raghad Alsaid, MBLS faculty of science, student

462.  Durk de Graaf, Humanities, student

463.  Aml Negem, Msc Farmacie, student

464.  Omar Nour, Humanities, Students

465.  Sam Folmer, LAS student

466.  Annika Loop, student cultural anthropology 

467.  Femke van Hamersveld, student

468.  Kenya van de Loo, MA Gender Studies, student, 2024

469.  Eva de Koeijer, Humanities, MA Applied Ethics student

470.  Birdie Schaefer, Humanities, Student

471.  Flavia Cereceda, Business Development and Entrepreneurship Masters Student

472.  Rufina Mohamedhoesein, Science Faculty, Student 

473.  Jeffrey Cohen, alumni 2021

474.  Mans Maniran, social sciences: cultural anthropology

475.  Alex Stasica, Linguistics RMA, student

476.  Lara Salcido Duffy, BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, UCU Student

477.  Irene Keet-Boswinkel, administrative staff & alumna 2013

478.  León Uitdenbogaard, student Molecular Life Sciences UU

479.  Alkmini Zania, GSLS, student

480.  Elin Meerkerk, Humanities, student

481.  Cynthia Chilaeva, BA History Alumni, 2023

482.  Darja Lamers, Psychology, student

483.  Meliha Verlasevic, Msc International Development Studies 2023

484.  Susanne Janssen, Humanities, student

485.  Mayra Salazar Volkmann, MSc Behavioural Ecology 2024

486.  Yamuna Kali, University College Utrecht, alumna 2020

487.  Esmée Eysbach, Philosophy, Student

488.  Faye van Leemput, University College Utrecht, student 

489.  Nick Ghur, MA gender studies, 

490.  Preshdis Stikupurass

491.  Jisca Harder, RMA Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021 alumni

492.  Rosalia Sheocharan, English language and culture, student 

493.  Annebel Franken, Social Sciences (CA), student 

494.  Marrit Otter, Cultural Anthropology Student 

495.  Özgenur Cankurtaran, REBO, student

496.  Fien van Deursen, student TCS

497.  Romy, faculteit sociale wetenschappen, student. 

498.  Katelijne van den Brink, Cultural Anthropology UU student 

499.  Sara Niknam, bèta- en geesteswetenschappen, student

500.  Zaki Arrobi, PhD Cultural Anthropology

501.  Eleonora Feldmann. Student Premaster Sustainable Citizenship 

502.  Sanna van Toor Anthropology student uu

503.  Ren Kuhlmann, Alumni 2023

504.  Laila Maroufi, psychologie, universiteit Utrecht 

505.  Meeuwke Kant, MSc Cultural Anthropology, student

506.  Esmée Brekelmans, Social Sciences, Student

507.  Pauline Bakker, cultural anthropology, student

508.  Maaike Verdiesen, BA Psychology, student

509.  Vera Koster, Language & Culture Studies alumna, 2020

510.  Olav Slootbeek, Faculty of Humanities, ReMA student

511.  Guusje Bakker, Humanities, student

512.  Kiki, Graduate School of Life Science, Neuroscience and Cognition master's student

513.  Mika Leest, Humanities, student

514.  Alexandra Winant, UMC Utrecht, staff

515.  Loïs van der Gun, Geosciences, student

516.  Joaquin Isselt, student Cultural History.

517.  Kelvin van de Veen, BSc Biology, alumni 2023

518.  Yacine Verschuren, Faculty of Social Sciences, Masters students Youth, Education and Society

519.  Marie Denzler, History, student

520.  Sahar Shaikh Pharmacy Student

521.  Teun Rogier, Humanities, Student

522.  Seda Kamp, social sciences, anthropology student 

523.  Julie van der Staak, English Language and Culture student UU

524.  Pip Schledorn, Cultural Anthropology, student

525.  Hannee Pandithakoralage, Psychologie, Bachelor Student

526.  Rozanne Scheffer, Social Sciences, student

527.  Anne Jonker, Anthropology student

528.  Florian Thijs, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Student

529.  Rabsimar Kaur Ahluwalia, GEMMA Gender Studies, First year

530.  Alicia Klein, BA Cultural Anthropology, Student

531.  Jenne Spruit, Cultural Anthropology, student

532.  Miriam van den Berg, Humanities, MSc student Conflict Studies

533.  Mariam El Chami, alumna MA ICC

534.  Sumaya Adem, Student Philosophy Politics and Economics

535.  Mireia Fort Mabres, humanities, student 2025

536.  Ianthe Minnaert, BA Literary Studies

537.  Luca Hopman, REBO

538.  Sofia Antoni, Geosciences, student

539.  Maj Nieuwenhuijsen, MA Conflict Studies, Student

540.  Youssra Hamdan, Humanities, Master student Conflict Studies and Human Rights 

541.  Eva van Dam, BA student rechtsgeleerdheid 

542.  Andrea van Leerdam, Utrecht University Library

543.  Wulan Mirdayanti Zschocke, MA Student Conflict Studies & Human Rights, 2024

544.  Valja van Dijk, MA Conflict Studies and Human Rights, Student

545.  Leonie Koning, Alumni Veterinary Medicine, 2023

546.  Marta Menge,  MA Conflict Studies and Human Rights, Student

547.  Maddy Mercier, MA Conflict Studies and Human Rights, student

548.  Laura Masson, student MA CSHR

549.  Ema Novaković, Humanities, student

550.  Imke van Smoorenburg, Humanities, student

551.  Seren Demirbilek, Faculty of Medicine, student

552.  Airin, Global Criminology Student

553.  Alexane Boulogne, MA Conflict Studies 

554.  Kieran Houtgraaf, Faculty of Science, BA Student

555.  Isa van Rooy, Humanities, Literary Sciences, student

556.  Roser Gascons Cuatrecasas, Social Sciences, Student

557.  Flynn van Marwijk, Humanities, Student 

558.  Annabel Rem, Social Sciences, student

559.  Yousef Al-Sallal, MA Conflict Studies and Human Rights, student

560.  Georgina Hekkelman, student at University College Utrecht

561.  Lotte van den Bergh, history student UU

562.  Iris Hoorman, BA Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology

563.  Eva Dassen, docent Young Innovators

564.  Joris Bekkers, Humanities, student

565.  Claudia Vásquez-Caicedo, Faculty of Humanities, alumna 2020

566.  Nour Hassoumi, Humanities, Student BA Language and Culture (Majoring in Postcolonial and Gender studies)

567.  Lily Wigglesworth, BSc Psychology, student

568.  Anja Tolpekina alumna 2022

569.  Marrit Meinema, alumni of RMA Comparative Literature Studies 2020

570.  Dione Zijp, University College Utrecht, Student

571.  Silke Keijser, Geneeskunde, Student 

572.  Caitríona Krebs, Humanities, Student

573.  Emanuela Mancuso, RMA Gender Studies, Student

574.  Louisa Rietveld, History and Liberal Arts and Sciences, student 

575.  Ronja Kops, student Cultural Anthropology and Sustainable Citizenship 

576.  Carmen Smids, psychologie, student

577.  Loes Arendse, UCU, bachelor student 

578.  Tara Neary, Faculty of Science UU, student

579.  Ilia Verstraete, University College Utrecht, Student

580.  Amber Helmes, RMA Comparative Literary Studies, student

581.  Duraa Boahene, Social Sciences, alumni 2021

582.  Onur Sahin, FSS, postdoc

583.  Eline Heezen, Social Sciences, student

584.  Ewelina Romijn, Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap 

585.  Loulou Bossier; Student, RMA

586.  Tess Wozny, UCU 2024

587.  Sara Aksakal, rechtsgeleerdheid, student. 

588.  Abdullah Al-Ruwaishan, BA student in Economics

589.  Dane-Mei, Humanities, student

590.  Nhi Huynh, Medicine, alumni 2023

591.  Mar Oller Sigró, MA Conflict Studies & Human Rights, student

592.  Lotte Woudstra, student 

593.  Loulou, geneeskunde, student 

594.  Po Hsuan, Huang/Applied Cognitive Psychology/Student

595.  Caitlin van den Ende, Faculty of Medicine, student

596.  S.A.L. van der Horst, ex-lecturer in training 

597.  Miroslav Damyanov, UCR year 2011

598.  Anne-Marie Vos, student, minor gender studies

599.  Hatice Barutcu, pharmacy student

600.  Moritz Menzel, UCU alumnus 2017

601.  Hafssa Maatougui, Psychologie, student

602.  Maya Homsy, UCU alumnus 2020

603.  Rosanne Kop, MSc Neuroscience & Cognition

604.  Uske Brok, BSc Culturele Antropologie, student

605.  Emma Bastiaansen, faculty of Humanities, alumni 2022

606.  Bart Kersten, Humanities, student

607.  Diede Reincke, cultural anthropology, student

608.  Longin Eva, Humanities , Student

609.  Casper Lodewijks, cultural anthropology, MA student

610.  Christina Maliariti, MA Gender Studies, Student

611.  Kristofers Karklins, PPE, Student

612.  Anke Visser, Cultural Anthropology BSc Student

613.  Carmen Donkers, Pedagogiek, student

614.  Noortje van Amsterdam, USG 

615.  Enora Segeren, Humanities, student

616.  Tamar Jansen, Cultural Anthropology, Student 

617.  Sem Kluiters, Cultural Anthropology, student

618.  Síofra O'Mahony, Law, Student 

619.  Elly Thomas, REBO, Student

620.  Madelief Rietrae, Social Sciences (CA), student 

621.  Estere Penke, UCU, student 

622.  Rishabh Suresh, Faculty of the Humanities, MA Student 

623.  Tobias Haroon, BA Biology, Student

624.  Ann Krüger, UCR, alumna

625.  Tessa Hilderink, Culturele Antropologie, Student 

626.  Jura Maingay, MA Cultural Anthropology, student, 2025

627.  Annick Hoogeveen, Literary Studies 

628.  Kayle de Koning, Cultural Anthropology, student

629.  Ada Harpole, Humanities, Student RMA 

630.  Markus Aarts, social sciences, student

631.  Mikki van Dorth, University College Utrecht, Student

632.  Negar Rajabi, Arts and Society, alumni 2022

633.  Merel van 't Hooft, UCU Humanities alumna 2015

634.  Jingzhe Zhang, RMA Media, Art, and Performance Studies

635.  Fatima Al-Seaghy,  MA student (Poli Sci) 

636.  Sara Vermeer, Humanities, BA Literary Studies Student

637.  Jasper Karsten, alumni of Social, Health and Organisational Psychology, 2018

638.  Ranna Abdulhadi, Geosciences, PhD Researcher 

639.  Khalil Pansky, UCR, student 

640.  Maartje Collaris, humanities, alumni 2020

641.  Dagmar ten Katen, Nederlandse taal en cultuur, student

642.  Nima Madjzubi, Humanities, Alumnus 2011

643.  Nadieh Schanschort, MA CSHR, student

644.  Silvia Solchaga, University College Utrecht, Student

645.  Jon Peters, Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences, Student

646.  Hilde van Son, University College Utrecht, student

647.  Souad Attar, BA linguistics

648.  Linfei Xu, alumni of RMA media, art and performance studies 2023

649.  Shiqi Fan, Epidemiology, alumni 2023

650.  Saar van der Lugt, Gender Studies, alumna 2023

651.  Fabian Kreulen (Alumni faculty of geosciences, faculty of education)

652.  Paloma Ghandour, UCU, Alumni 2023

653.  Gaetano Luban. UCU. Student

654.  Zora de Dreu, University College Utrecht, Alumna

655.  Eva Mokken. Humanities. Alumnus

656.  Cassandra Douw, Gender Studies, Alumni 2017

657.  Louise Autar. Faculty of the Humanities, Media and Culture. Lecturer.

658.  Tom Kalkman, MSc Artificial Intelligence, student 2023

659.  TJ Querio, MA Dramaturgy

660.  Roosmarijn, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, student

661.  Carmen Vidal, Bètawetenschappen, Student

662.  Ilias Baali, Cultural Anthropology, student

663.  Jannes Merkx; Social Sciences (student) 

664.  Anna van de Laar, RMA Cultural Anthropology, Student

665.  Muhammad Khurram (GEMMA Gender Studies, 2022)

666.  Michiel Doorman, UU, faculty of science, staff

667.  Camille MORDREL, GEMMA, Humanities

668.  Itaï van de Wal, Legal Research LLM, student 

669.  Ellis Schiavi, BA Linguistics, student

670.  Tatum Vos, UCU, student 2025

671.  Sharvani Shetty, UCU, student. 

672.  Sara Florio, BA Linguistics, student

673.  Siya Sithamparanathan, Humanities, MA ICC student

674.  Nicky Wunderlich (alumni 2022)

675.  Daya van der Heyden, Taal- en Cultuurstudies, 2020

676.  Ilia Genov, MSc Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformation, student

677.  Sirin Mahmod Alruz, Rechtsgeleerdheid, student

678.  Sabria Schouten, RMA Comparative Literary Studies, Alumni 2023

679.  Daan Kamphuis, Faculty of Science, student

680.  Louie Cambeta, BA EBE student

681.  Rafaella Karadsheh, UU alumna 2022

682.  Chiara Lampis Temmink, Cultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship

683.  Raha Heshmatikhah, Faculty Social Sciences (Psychology), student

684.  Selin Morkoyun, premaster Art History, student

685.  Ariel Rabkin-Meyer, Humanities, student

686.  Annalisa Schipper, UCU

687.  Menoe Smulders, Social Sciences, ISW

688.  Rasmus Boelsmand, Humanities, exchange student

689.  S. den Besten. MSc Student Social Sciences

690.  Yor Ringelberg, BA Psychology, student

691.  Maartje Schulpen, PhD Linguistics alumn 2016

692.  Marthe Frank, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, student

693.  Aoibhe De Burca, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, student

694.  Rimsha Shaikh, Geneeskunde, student

695.  Arina Hummel, Social Sciences, student

696.  Lynn de Jonge, Social & Cultural Anthropology, alumni (2023)

697.  Liselotte Wihrheim, UCU, alumni 2022

698.  Layla van den Burg, student Geneeskunde 

699.  Niek Mulleners, Faculty of Science, PhD candidate

700.  Yumei Beijering, Social Sciences, student

701.  Olga Żylińska, Humanities, Linguistics BA student

702.  Laila hosseini, Educational Sciences, student

703.  Jamie Pilon, English Language and Culture, student

704.  Annie Garneva, Geosciences student 2025

705.  Z.Skalli, Geneeskunde, Student

706.  Eve Roseblade, BA Linguistics, student

707.  Zaseeya (Zahran) Kamal, BSc College of Pharmaceutical Sciences

708.  Nynke de Haas, lecturer, Department of Languages, Literature and Communication

709.  Marialena Theodorakopoulou, Master Student Neuropsychology 

710.  Roos van Groningen, Faculty of Humanities, BA English Language and Culture

711.  Merijn Mulder, Social Sciences, Neuropsychology Student

712.  Femke van Dijk, faculty of medicine & social and behavioural sciences

713.  Maria Schelfhout Hortet, UCU student

714.  Sifra van de Gronden, student University College Utrecht

715.  Johan Wiersma, UCU, Student.

716.  Filippo Turetta, University College Utrecht class of 2023, Alumn

717.  Andrea Pantazi, UCU alum 2023 

718.  Kia Radovanovic, GSLS, student

719.  Manuela Campos Fox, UCU alumna 2023

720.  Beatrijs De Wilde, Rechtsgeleerdheid, student

721.  Sevgi Genç, Master of English , student

722.  Sorcha Brennan, RMA student, Media, Art and Performance Studies 2023

723.  Demi Brugel MSc Cultural Anthropology Sociocultural Transformation

724.  Burcu Kazan, pedagogische wetenschappen, student, 2025

725.  Katie Tran, BA Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Student.

726.  Sarah Hashmi, Humanities Faculty, Student

727.  Iris Verheul, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, student

728.  Kay-Linn Yarzagaray, Faculty Social Science (ISW), Student.

729.  Lamyae Abdelkaui, interdisciplinary social sciences 2026

730.  Samira el harouni, student Interdisciplinary Social science

731.  Joris van Baaren, Interdisciplinaire Sociale Wetenschap, Student

732.  Solenne Martin Morelle, UCU, student 

733.  Daniëlle Makker, interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap, student

734.  Berit Zandbelt, MA Gender Studies student

735.  Amal Almousawi, Alumni

736.  Fatma Tepe, interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap, student

737.  Floor Winkelmolen, Humanities, student

738.  Maia Lauffs, Utrecht University College, alumnus 2021

739.  Jonathan Spek, faculty of Humanities, student 

740.  Femke Nijhuis, humanities, student

741.  Camille Velten, Global Sustainability Science 

742.  Marit Boer, Humanities, student

743.  Ainhoa Lema Mouriño, Spaanse taal en cultuur, student

744.  Alyssa Hadik, Humanities, student 

745.  Alessia Mariuzzo, Law, Economics and Governance, student

746.  Stella Meier, medicine, student

747.  Daniël van der Spoel, BA Language and Cultural Studies, Student

748.  Kim Haartsen, humanities, student

749.  Nikki Giron, International Affairs, Research Office

750.  Giulia Benelli, Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, student

751.  Kulsum Dawoodbhoy, UMCU, PhD candidate

752.  Haroen Karim, Geneeskunde, student

753.  Sofia Rehnstrom, LLM, student

754.  Sofia Rehnstorm, LLM, student

755.  Maja Romstedt, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Student

756.  Irene Liberatore, geosciences, UU, student

757.  Eline Heemskerk, TCS, bachelor student 

758.  Ismail Ouarga, student International Management 

759.  Lobke de Jong, humanities (CIW), student

760.  Kiki Alonso Drenth, cultural anthropology, student

761.  Akke Nugter, humanities, BA student

762.  Lynn Slotboom, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, student

763.  Chiara Robbiano, UCU, Associate Professor

764.  Elsbeth Smalbrugge, Graduate School for Teaching (English), student

765.  Julia Brands, Humanities, RMA Student 

766.  Isa Gommeren, faculty of Humanities, student 

767.  Amber Agyemang, University College Utrecht, class of 2021

768.  İmre İşmen, UCU alumna 2023

769.  Carlijn Zwart, RMA Comparative Literary Studies, Student

770.  Halima Ettafahi, Faculty of Science student Pharmacy 

771.  Gaia Rocco, English, UU, student 

772.  Ferghall Vlaun, Science faculty BA Biologie, Student

773.  Robin van den Berg, USG, student

774.  Eden Young, faculty of arts, alumnus 2018

775.  Isabella van Doorne RMA Middle Eastern Studies, REBO - Secretary Board of Examiners BA Law (staff)

776.  Hillary Montague, LLM student

777.  Sofia Lauttajärvi, Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, student

778.  Alexander Croes bachelor scheikunde

779.  Su Sakarya, MA New Media & Digital Culture, Student

780.  Mar L., M.A. in Global Criminology student

781.  Jade Borsoi, Anthropology Student

782.  Vesper Veer Visser, UU-alumn 2020

783.  Karlota Jasinkiewicz Herrador, UCU, student

784.  Sophie Borchard, MA Conflict Studies & Human Rights, Student

785.  Manouk van Huizen, Law faculty, LLM 

786.  Kike van Houdt, cultural anthropology, UU student

787.  Mayte Beekman, PhD candidate, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development

788.  Pleuni Jacobs, Media and Culture Studies, MA Gender Studies alumna 2018

789.  Genevieve Phan, University College Utrecht, Alumna 2020

790.  Raaf Mul, LLM, Student

791.  Laura Jannes Burger, Humanities, alumnus 2023 

792.  Sigrid van der Meer, RMA Gender Studies, student

793.  Pablo López Basurco, UCU student

794.  Khadija Bakhakh, faculty of science, student 

795.  Dija Forster, University College Utrecht, Alumnus 2023

796.  Mara Renes, cultural anthropology, student 

797.  Asmae el Madkouki, BA Geneeskunde

798.  Larisa van Rijn, Humanities Student

799.  Maya Alexanderová, Humanities, BA student

800.  Miriam Wickham, Social and Behavioural Sciences, PhD student

801.  Tara Biersteker, Culturele antropologie, student, 2026

802.  Jennifer Haapaniemi, Faculty of Humanities, student

803.  Natasha Huibers, University College Utrecht student

804.  Samira Idris, Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies, Student

805.  Samira el Harouni, Interdisciplinary Social Science student 

806.  Janae Renten - Erasmus University M.A in sociology

807.  Sumaya Farah. Faculty of Humanities, student

808.  Merel Hermans, RMA Gender Studies student

809.  Cate Zanardi, Faculty of the Humanities, Comparative Literary Studies Research Master Student

810.  Yoeke Hofland, Utrecht School of Governance, student

811.  Ola Olejarz, UU, BA student

812.  Yasmine Ouazil, Faculty Humanities, Student

813.  Nergiz Karaköz, Humanities, Student

814.  Samira Idris, Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies, Student

815.  Adriano Habed, Department Media and Culture, Faculty

816.  Kim van Hees, administrative staff

817.  Ishar Mayor, GSLS, student 2024

818.  Ella Disselkoen, sociology, alumni 2023

819.  Brechtje Polman, Faculty of Geosciences and Cultural Anthropology, research assistant 

820.  Anouck Masse, Humanities, Student

821.  Melike Sakar, psychology, student

822.  Cecile Haanstra, MA Cultural Anthropology, student 2024

823.  Janna Besamusca, Interdisciplinary Social Science, assistant professor

824.  Flo Mulder, Social science , student

825.  Dr. Semiha Bekir, DEEDS, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Assistant Professor 

826.  Hesham Elbaz, Faculty of Social and behavioural sciences, student

827.  Ouissam Abattouy, Interdisciplinary Social Science, PhD

828.  Chloé Lavest, Sociology, PhD

829.  Zehra Eekhout, Sociology, Junior Teacher

830.  Aline Hernandez, alumni Media, Art and Performance Studies 2020

831.  Lana Andringa, Sociology, Alumni

832.  Henk Schut,  Clinical Psychology, Staff

833.  Milotte Vuyk, student Cultural Anthology Sustainable Citizenship 

834.  Robin Spaan, sociale wetenschappen, student 2026

835.  Hieke de Swart, Social sciences, student

836.  Marianna Takou, Sustainable Development, Geosciences Department, Utrecht Univerisity, alumna

837.  Emma ter Burg, Humanities, Student.

838.  Lalami Hajar 

839.  Paula Müller, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, student 

840.  Amna Harbee, Master Student Youth, Education, Society

841.  Dimitris Manolarakis, History and Philosophy of Science, Student

842.  Emma Verbeek, UCU alum '23

843.  Kick Boelens, Sociale wetenschappen, student

844.  Dzhamilya Dyussenova, UCU, student

845.  Gustave Derreumaux, University College Utrecht, student 2024

846.  Tamara Ashour, UvA Department of Psychology, Alumna 2022

847.  Markos Adamopoulos, UCU, Alumni 2023

848.  Leana Boven, alumnus UU Gender Studies 

849.  Liva Hansen, University College Utrecht, Alumnus 2023

850.  Korleki Okletey, Cultural Anthropology, alumni 2023

851.  Daudi van Veen, Interdisciplinary Social Science, Assistant Professor

852.  Sophie Hudson, University College Utrecht, alumnus 2023

853.  Fozia Warsame, Liberal Arts and Sciences, student

854.  Ana Celmare, Faculty of Humanities, RMA student

855.  Annelise van den Akker, University College Utrecht, Almuni 2022

856.  Amina Paoli, UCU, 2023 alumna

857.  Rares Ciobanu, CPS, Faculty of Science, student

858.  Laila Maroufi,Psychologie student

859.  Eduardo Campbell Bethancourt, PhD Candidate, Interdisciplinary Social Science

860.  Maxime van de Gevel, Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism, 2023

861.  Nikita Bharat, Cultural Anthropology, 2022

862.  Oishika Basak, Alumna 2023, Faculty of Geosciences

863.  Sven Engels, Faculty of the Humanities, Media and Culture Studies, Graduate Gender Programme alumni 2015

864.  Sascha Janson, Humanities faculty, student

865.  Emmy Welgraven, Rechtsgeleerdheid, alumni 2018

866.  Kateryna Kosynska alumni 2008

867.  Emmy Welgraven, Rechtsgeleerdheid, alumni 2018

868.  Mirthe Buijk, sociale wetenschappen, student

869.  Giwon Do, BA Pedagogische Wetenschappen student

870.  Sophie Duinhouwer, faculty of Humanities, student

871.  Belin Demirbağ, Faculty of social and behavioural sciences, Student

872.  Emmy Welgraven, Rechtsgeleerdheid, alumni 2018

873.  Pam Abels, Castor, Student

874.  Linde Bierings, Pedagogische Wetenschappen, Student

875.  Noor van Vuuren, faculty of geosciences, student

876.  Mandy Muller, PhD Candidate at Organizational Behavior 

877.  Zehra Öztürk, Faculty of Social Sciences, Student

878.  Isa van Overbeek, Social Science Student 

879.  Imara Hesselink Faculty of Social Sciences

880.  Jochem van Kemenade, Student

881.  Anouk Sarsanszky, Social science UU, student

882.  Bas Mekel LLB 2023

883.  Floor de Jong, Social sciences, student

884.  Linde, sociale wetenschappen, student 

885.  Willemijne de Jong, Faculty of social sciences, BSc student

886.  Aniek, social sciences, student

887.  Elsa Bresser, social sciences, student

888.  Bruno Reijers, geosciences, student

889.  Lieve de Nooijer, psychology, student

890.  Isabella Cools, psychology student 

891.  Nina Kools, Faculty of Social Sciences, student

892.  Sam Thomassen, RMA History student 

893.  Chloe Koekkoek, Student at the faculty of Social Sciences, 2024

894.  Dounia el Khalki, faculteit sociale wetenschappen, student, 2023

895.  N. Mathijssen - Faculty of Social Sciences - Student 

896.  Ioannis Tsoupas, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, student

897.  Meriek Wanders, psychology, student 2025

898.  Ava van de Griendt, Psychology, Student 2026

899.  Simon Osnabrugge, Psychology, Student,

900.  Mélisa Roo, social sciences, student 

901.  Meike Smulders, faculty of social sciences, student

902.  Marta del Rosario Pérez Barrios, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, student

903.  Casper Leenaars, faculty of social science

904.  Lei Ann Arrocena, Faculty of Behavioral and Social Science, student

905.  Marina Misioni, Faculty of Social & Behavioral Studies, student

906.  Zowi Vermeire, FSBS/GW, Postdoc

907.  Caspar Schoevaars, administrative staff

908.  Marina Mejía España, Humanities, GEMMA, Student

909.  Anna Hoksbergen, psychology, student

910.  Ezra Dekker, BA Musicology, Student

911.  E Blumenbach, humanities, student of gender studies and postcolonial studies, 2023

912.  Bo Blanksma, MA film and television cultures, student 

913.  Hannelore Geritan (Film and Television Cultures MA student)

914.  Roisin Moran student

915.  Iline Manja, Geneeskunde UU, student

916.  Serhad, Medicine Student

917.  Zehra Öztürk, Faculty of Social Sciences, Student

918.  Teresa Condorelli, Humanities, Student

919.  Amina Abdullahi, geneeskunde student

920.  Julia, Sociology student 

921.  Laura Torres / Social and Behavioural Sciences / student 

922.  Irem Duman, sociology, student Msc

923.  Zehra Colak, Faculty of Education, Postdoc researcher and Lecturer

924.  Isabelle de Waal, Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems student

925.  Laura Torres/ Social and Behavioural Sciences/ Student

926.  Julius Maximus van der Sloot, Geesteswetenschappen, student

927.  Kieran van Gaalen, Bètawetenschappen, student

928.  Majed Zain, faculty of humanities 

929.  Asanté Boyce, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Alumni 2022

930.  Bo Blanksma, Film and Television Cultures, Student

931.  Sander Krijt, Faculty of Science, Student MA

932.  Ramon Adan, Faculty of Humanities, MA Student

933.  Eline van Houte, FSBS, DEEDS department, lecturer and alumna

934.  Oei Men Liang, Faculty Geosciences, MSc International Development Studies, student

935.  Ramon Adan, Faculty of Humanities, MA student

936.  Alyssa Morris, UU Faculty of Science, Student

937.  Sanne Schuller, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, student MSc

938.  Ragıp Talha Karademir, Humanities, Student

939.  Sarah Berm, history, student 2023

940.  Isja Mannens, Faculty of Science, PhD Candidate

941.  David van Balen, Faculty of Science, PhD Candidate

942.  Clint Verdonschot, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Lecturer

943.  Janne van den Bosch, faculteit geesteswetenschappen, afgestudeerd 2020

944.  Jo Van Cauter, Assistant Professor, Philosophy

945.  Riccardo Curti, Faculty of Law, Economics, and Governance, student

946.  Dorien Panhuyzen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Alumni 2021

947.  Gerold Sewcharan, Student MSc Economic and Public Policy

948.  Naomi Bakken, University College Utrecht, Alumni 2021

949.  Julia Silveira, UCU Alumni 2021

950.  Roman Teshome, LEG/REBO, academic staff

951.  Ester Driel, Interdisciplinary social science, assistant professor

952.  Wil Hawkins, UCU Alumni 2021

953.  Aoife Mac Donnchadha, Social and Behavioural Sciences, alumnus 2021

954.  Till Miltzow/Faculty of Science/Assistant Prof.

955.  Anna Rechnitzer van der Wielen, REBO, student

956.  Rana Kuseyri, Legal Research Master student

957.  Rengin Tarhan, LRM alumna 2023

958.  Úna Mac Donnchadha, University College Utrecht, alum 2020

959.  Annida Aqiila Putri, Faculty of Law, Legal Research Master alumna 2023

960.  Tjitske Elings, Humanities, student

961.  Negah Ismail, Gender Studies

962.  Shafeeqa Bakhtali, Economics and Business Economics University (UU)

963.  Lieks Hettinga, UU PhD, Assistant Professor in Gender and Sexuality, Leiden University 

964.  Giorgia Santarelli, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assistant Professor

965.  Sauro Civitillo, Interdisciplinary Social Science, Assistant Professor

966.  Tessa van Nes, English Language and Culture, Student

967.  Maja Szymańska, MSc Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformations, student

968.  Ollie Jones, UCU Student Alumni of 2023

969.  Bushra Artan, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, student 

970.  Abdulfatah Abdulkadir, Social Sciences, Cultural Antroplogy student

971.  Spark van Beurden, faculty of social sciences, phd alumna 2023

972.  Michelle Chang, University College Utrecht, Student

973.  Solenne Martin Morelle, University College Utrecht, student

974.  Eva Katsanaki, Social and Behavioural Sciences, student 

975.  Hélène Vrijdag, Gender Studies, Master student

976.  Maarten Fröhmel, Faculty of Geosciences, BA

977.  Ella Weiss, BA UCU, Student

978.  Kalina Derylo, UCU, student 

979.  Pieter Dolmans, University College Utrecht, student

980.  Emma van Engelen. University College Utrecht, student 

981.  Kate DeYoung/student/University College Utrecht

982.  Marleen Kappé, alumnus Master Legal Research 2023

983.  Susan Ayada, UU Student Alumni of 2023     

984.  Tom Hedley, Lecturer, Faculty of Humanities, Universiteit Utrecht 

985.  Ama Boahene, alumnus criminal law 2023    

986.  Tine Pijnenburg, University College Utrecht, student            

987.  Jolijn Moerland, Taal- en Cultuurstudies, alumnus 2020       

988.  Joppe Bakelaar, Humanities/Social and Behavioural Sciences, Alumnus 2020         

989.  Obe Alkema, Research Master Nederlandse Literatuur en Cultuur, alumnus 2016  

990.  Giulia Pagliosa Waltrick Martins, UU Faculty of Law, Legal Research Master's student       

991.  Anouschka van Wettum, alumna RMA Comparative Literary Studies 2017

992.  Merve Tabur, Comparative Literature, Lecturer

993.  Julia Hoevenaar, Liberal Arts and Sciences, student

994.   Benjamin Moser, Ph.D. 

995.  Reinier J.M. Vriend, Humanities Faculty, Lecturer

996.  Finn Zwank, BSC Student at University College Utrecht

997.  Saban Caliskan, Science, Physics student       

998.  Jared Meijer, MA Literature Today, Student 

999.  Roos Kreeft, Humanities, Student ‘24

1000.                 Fenna Leeuwenburgh, student MA Literature Today & student assistant    

1001.     Ronan Maat, MA Literature Today, student  

1002.     Iris Bosma, faculty of Humanities, MA student          

1003.     Hennie Lowe, UCU student 2025       

1004.     Gana Gavrilova Radoeva (UCU student, Alumni class of2021)

1005.     Linn Stevens, Social Science, student

1006.     Elvan Ibicoglu (Alumna 2019), FSW, Psychology Lecturer

1007.     Rosalie Vermeer, Cultural Anthropology, Student

1008.     Adele Tufford, Geosciences, Researcher

1009.     Semmy Claassen, PhD Candidate, TLC

1010.     Tessel Janse, academic staff, Literary Studies

1011.     Anne Groothuis, humanities, student

1012.     Joosje Kok, psychology, student '24

1013.     Draychelle Houtman, Psychology, Student

1014.     Alyssa Hadik, faculty of Humanities, student

1015.     Briana Urzica-Velicu, Faculty of Humanities, student at B.Sc. PPE

1016.     Jennifer Chen, faculty of science, student

1017.     Lea Jogic, Faculty of humanites, 2024

1018.     Longin Eva, Humanities, Media and Culture 2025

1019.     Fay Doff, humanities, student

1020.     Ida Gunhaga, Humanities, student

1021.     Sarah J. Adams, Modern Dutch Literature, staff

1022.     Lars Heuver, Humanities, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Lecturer

1023.     Dina Mellah, Humanities Faculty, student

1024.     Maarten van Houte, Lecturer, Philosophy     








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