ATL 2023 Fall Go Tournament
Date: Saturday, September 16
Time: 11am - 6PM
Address: Bridge Club of Atlanta,  4920 Roswell Rd #33, Atlanta, GA 30342
Entry Fee: $20
AGA membership required, $10 additional fee for non-member single tournament registration.

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Name *
Email *
Discord Name
Will you attend the Atlanta Go Club tournament on September 16th? *
Do you have an AGA membership?
(There will be an additional $10 entry fee for non-members, paid directly to the AGA.)
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Select your rank for this tournament (or select "use my AGA rank")
Note: You cannot play below your AGA rank
If needed, can you bring a full sized go board and non-plastic stones? 
If so, how may sets can you provide?
If needed, are you able to bring a go/chess clock that supports Byo Yomi?
If so, how many clocks can you provide?
Would you be interested in contributing an additional $5 to buy the ATL Go Club some more clocks for tournaments?
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