#SoTB2021 Code of Conduct: report a breach
This form should be used to anonymously report any episode in breach of State of the Browser's Code of Conduct (visit https://2021.stateofthebrowser.com/code-of-conduct/ for more information).

If you experienced or witnessed an episode that generated discomfort, please report it, we can't tolerate any harassment and our community has to be safe guarded to remain a safe place for everyone!

We will do our best to investigate the episode and take every measure to avoid such events happening again.

You can also get in touch via email (organisers@londonwebstandards.org) or on Twitter (https://twitter.com/webstandards), although these form of contacts are not anonymous. If you don't want to be identified, please use this form instead.
Thank you – London Web Standards
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Describe the episode *
Please don't include your personal information if you want to remain anonymous.
Anything else you'd like to add?
If you feel like suggesting and/or recommending a different or complementary approach to the way we deal with Code of Conduct's breaches, we welcome any comment.
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This form was created inside of London Web Standards. Report Abuse