DIA DAO Application Form
The DIA DAO is a place to contribute your time and skills to the DIA project, connect with like-minded people and earn rewards while doing it. The DIA DAO is just getting started and the early phases are rolled out to a closed group to test and learn before going public.

We are looking for passionate supporters who are willing to commit time and effort to the DAO and apply their time and skills to co-create the future of DIA. This is why we admit a limited number of people to the program.

Apply to participate by filling out this form, joining our Discord and getting a verified role. Help us understand who you are and what you are good at. Contributors will receive rewards including stablecoins or ETH, DIA tokens, exclusive swag and much more.

If your application is accepted, you will receive a “DAO-Applicant” role in Discord and you will be granted access to the “Onboarding Tasks” for your stated expertise in DeWork.

We are looking forward to your application! Get started below:

KYC Disclaimer:
Any user who is awarded a bounty exceeding an amount of 800 USD will be required to successfully complete our KYC process before the bounty can be claimed. This process may involve submitting appropriate personal identification documents, residential proof and/or any other relevant documentation, as necessary. The failure or refusal to complete this process may result in the forfeiture of the bounty. By participating in this bounty program, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Discord ID (Join our Discord channel first: https://discord.gg/PXRe9WcVHe) *
Email (Optional. We will use it to notify you of your submission or rejection to the DIA DAO)
Telegram ID (Optional; Join our Telegram chat: https://t.me/DIAdata_org)
Linkedin Profile (Optional. Sharing your Linkedin profile will help us evaluate your work experience and background)
Referrer (Provide a Discord @name of the contributor who referred you to DIA DAO)
How did you hear about DIA DAO? *
ERC-20 Wallet Address (Please share an ERC20 wallet you will use to receive rewards to) *
Have you or are you actively taking a part in other DAOs? *
If YES, which ones and how? (if your answer was NO, keep this blank)
Which skills do you bring? (Can select multiple if applicable) *
Provide additional work references that help us evaluate your profile (link to blog, portfolio, previous work, CV, etc.) *
Do you hold any $DIA tokens? *
Your current location (Optional. So we know when we can reach you and where you could support offline community activities)
What languages do you speak? *
In a few sentences, convince us what positive contributions can you make to DIA DAO? (very lite cover letter) *
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