Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "Will Power Knows No Obstacles"
Шукаємо учасників та тім лідера на Erasmus+ молодіжний обмін в Латвії

Проєкт: Will Power Knows No Obstacles
Коли: 09-15.12.2024
Де: Kraslava, Latvia

Тобі можна подавати заявку на участь в обміні, якщо ти:
- віком від 18 до 30 років (тім лідер 18-40)
- зацікавлений(а) в проєктах неформальної освіти 
- хочеш приєднатися до крутого проєкту, знайти друзів та провести час з користю
- можеш працювати на англійській мові
- маєш мотивацію до участі та готовий біометричний паспорт (не продовжений)

Дедлайн подачі: 23.09.24

Детальніше про проєкт: 
The main goal we want to achieve by implementing our project is to contribute to achieving a healthy society of healthy individuals. We want our project to encourage the society and individuals to lead a healthy lifestyle by providing accurate sources of information and a variety of opportunities to help citizens develop self-responsibility, which is fundamental in the fight against various diseases, mental problems and so on. One of the aims of the project is to prevent the development of nutrition-related health problems and decrease in physical activity levels with age. With our project, we also want to draw attention to one of the biggest problems of our time. Living conditions in our contemporary world make people less mobile. Most people work sitting down all day long, spend most of their time in front of the computer and watching television for hours and eating snacks in the meantime. One of the main goals of our project is to encourage people to live a more active and healthy life by showing that inactivity leads to various problems such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, asociality, and low self-esteem. Our project aims to show young people that living with a better quality of life is as important as living longer, and that nutrition and physical activity are the main factors for living a healthy life. 
We primarily aim to draw attention to the necessity of physical activity for better life quality. In our project, we want to address this issue and provide the necessary information about a healthy lifestyle to our participants. We aim to make them gain physical activity habits with our activities such as morning exercises and pilates training. It is also aimed to give place to healthy life habits such as good nutrition and efficient sleep tips such as having a sleep schedule, eating and drinking carefully, and engaging in physical activity during the day. Another objective of our project is to emphasize how physical activity and a healthy body are important for personal development and success for young people. We aim for young participants to understand that to be successful, self-confident and happy, they need to maintain their minds and body in an optimally healthy state. Besides our participants, we aim to deliver all this information to our target group through the planned dissemination activities and thus create international awareness about caring about our health and quality of life. Apart from these, our project aims to contribute to the prevention of racism and prejudices by bringing different cultures together. At the same time, we want to disseminate the Erasmus+ program and enable young people to be aware of the advantages of participating in the activities of the program.

Фінансові умови: за правилами програми проживання, харчування та всі необхідні матеріали під час проєкту забезпечуються організаторами. Кошти за квитки будуть компенсовані після проєкту в межах ліміту - не більше ніж 309 євро на учасника, у разі перевищення ліміту компенсації різниця покривається учасниками самостійно. 

Витрати учасника:
1) Страхування під час подорожі
2) Для тих учасників, які не є активними членами громадської організації Development and Initiative - благодійний внесок 2000 UAH

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Name, Surname *
Date of birth *
Age during the project *
Gender *
Email *
Mobile phone number *
City you are from in Ukraine *
City and Country from which you will depart *
English level *
How many times have you participated in Erasmus+ or similar projects? *
Have you ever participated in any activities by Development and Initiative? If yes, please specify which one(s) *
Motivation letter (please, save our time and eyes from template letters) Question is "Why should YOU participate in this project?" *
Do you want to be a team leader? *
Your travel plan (preliminary one) including price: We dont expect very detailed plan, but we want you to understand more or less the logistics *
Link to social network pages (fb, insta) *
Link to your repost on your FB account about this project (please, make a repost of this call for participants)    *
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2) Telegram @developmentngo
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