AE- Sioux City Pool League Signup

Entry deadline for Pool league: 9-6-24

Estimated start date for Pool league: week of 9-23-24

Thank you for your interest in Accel Entertainment-Sioux city's 2024 Summer Billiards leagues. Please sign up below and when you are finished hit the "Submit" button. After you sign up you will receive a confirmation email back from google forms.  ALL info is required if it applies you your team. We are asking for phone numbers and emails for a way to send out info to teams and leagues in a more timely manner. It may also be used for tournament info and sign ups down the road but for now it'll just be for communicating. We never have and we never will sell your info. If you have any questions, please contact David at 712-333-1300. Thank you. 
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Email *
AE Sioux City Pool Leagues *
Captionless Image
I acknowledge all scoring for these leagues will be done via smart phone on the Compusport app. These leagues will no longer have paper scoring sheets. (You can download the Compusport app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store)  *
Pick your Home Bar. You will need to check with that bar to make sure there are open tables for you on the night you choose.  *
Team Name *
Captain Name *
Captain Phone Number *
Captain's Email *
2nd Player Name *
2nd Player Phone Number *
3rd Player Name
3rd Player Phone Number
4th Player Name
4th Player Phone Number
5th Player Name
5th Player Phone Number
Any further players
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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